Page 249 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 249
intangible and material evidence on the slovenian peasant economy ...

while on the other (increasing) reclaimed plots. Is this a testimony of bare
‘land hunger,’ of the need for more land for survival, or was there some-
thing else behind these processes? As we have seen, contemporary observ-
ers seem to allow also a reading, implying the possible influence of market
oriented activities both on fragmentation and reclamation.
Table 10.1: Land purchase and sale between peasants, 1752–53, 1755–56

Transactions with full data, Nr. Arable land Meadows
Sold plots, Nr. 109 162
Total surface of sold land 186 192
Average quantity of land per transaction
12.449 ha 62.727 ha
Average plot size 0.114 ha 0.387 ha
0.067 ha 0.327 ha

670 m2 3.270 m2

Table 10.2: Share of common land in purchase and sale between peasants

Arable land Meadows
all commons commons all commons
% 192 36 %
62,727 ha 25,185
Sold plots, Nr. 186 23 12.37 18.75
Total surface
of sold land 12,449 ha 1,419 ha 11.40 40.15

Average plot 0.067 ha 0.062 ha 0.327 ha 0.700 ha
size 670 sqm 617 sqm 3.267 sqm 6.996 sqm

Table 10.3: The value of the purchased and sold land: old-holding land and reclaimed com-
mon land compared

Arable land Meadows

old holding common old holding common

Sold plots (nr.) 163 23 156 36
Total surface (ha)
Average price (lira per ha) 11.03 1.42 37.54 25.18

1713.91 1358.00 262.25 161.22

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