Page 279 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 279
tourism as a source of non-agricultural rural income: the case of the karst

ently available towards the end of the century. The cave was even no longer
mentioned in the guidebooks from the beginning of the 20th century. On
the other hand the Divača Cave’s popularity was growing towards the be-
ginning of the 20th century, as can be evidenced in the tourist guidebooks
and local newspapers, where the cave is mentioned as worth visiting. With
the involvement of the Slovene Alpine society a more structured organisa-
tion can be followed.

We can conclude that the peasant population did benefit from cave
tourism in the pre-industrial, as well as in the period of its modernisation,
although we have shown that the impact had a different level of relevance
in the analysed cases. Guiding and lighting services were the main source
of income from non-agricultural activities of the local population in the
pre-industrial period. With the modern cave tourism development, other
type of services occurred (research and food supply). In both periods tour-
ism enabled the integration of peasant’s revenues from the primary sector
with this tertiary sector.

Archival sources

AST, CF, Elaborati, Sežana: Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Catasto Franceschino,
Elaborati catastali (1818–1840), S – Distretto di Sesana.

ŽAL, Šček, 1937: Župnijski arhiv Lokev, Šček Virgil, Lokavske starine I and II,

Published sources

Bevölkerung und Viehstand der die Reichsrate Vertretenen Königreiche und
Länder nach der Zählung vom 31. December 1869. Bearbeitet und heraus-
gegeben von der K. K. Statistischen Central-Commission, VI. Heft, Wien,

Edinost: Edinost, Glasilo slovenskega političnega društva za Primorsko
6 (15), 13. 4. 1881.
9 (42), 24. 5. 1884.
9 (51), 25. 6. 1884.
12 (24), 23. 3. 1887.
Kmetijske in rokodelske novice 50 (1), 1. 1. 1892: 3–4 (Govor državnega poslan-

ca g. dr. Ferjančiča).

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