Page 92 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 92
integr ated peasant economy in a compar ative perspective

Naklo 59% in 1498, Kostel 69% in 1494, Radovljica 70% in 1498, Kočevs-
ka Reka 76% in 1498, Ljubljanski stolni kapitelj 81% in 1499, Polhov Gradec
87% in 1500).3

Graph 3.1: Share of Money Rents 1490–1500

3 These figures are calculated on the basis of original urbaria, all but one (Chapter of
bishopric Ljubljana 1499 – NŠAL, KA, U1) kept in the Archive of Slovenia (ARS):
Jablje 1493 – ARS, AS 1, box 84; Gamberk 1494 – ARS, AS 1, box 81; Križe 1498 –
ARS, AS 1, box 75; Kamnik 1493 – ARS, AS 1074, cod. 80u; Naklo 1498 – ARS, AS 1,
box 100; Kostel 1494 – ARS, AS 1, box 83; Radovljica 1498 – ARS, AS 174, box 246;
Kočevska Reka 1498 – ARS, AS 11, no. 23, fasc. 15; Polhov Gradec 1500 – ARS, AS 1,
box 74.

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97