Page 287 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 287

This chapter is divided into four sections: contributions (Section 10.1),
implications (for theory and research, for policy makers and for entre-
preneurs; Section 10.2), limitations (Section 10.3), and, finally, future re-
search directions and opportunities (Section 10.4).
This study makes theoretical and methodological contributions to the
field of eco-innovation research. The first theoretical contribution per-
tains to the literature review, which offers a synthesis regarding eco-inno-
vation definitions, the main dimensions of eco-innovation, eco-innova-
tion features, eco-innovation drivers and eco-innovation outcomes. This
is followed by a proposal of our own definition of eco-innovation, devel-
oped based on the results and findings of this study.

The second contribution of this study pertains to conceptual proposal
and empirical verification of the eco-innovation construct, which is com-
posed of three main dimensions – product, process and organizational
eco-innovation – based on a sample of Slovenian companies (where such
a study and validation of the eco-innovation construct has, to the best of
our knowledge, not yet been conducted). The newly adapted and tested
multidimensional measure of eco-innovation is comprehensive and parsi-
monious, reflecting good psychometric characteristics. It integrates three
dimensions (product, process and organizational eco-innovation) and
can be used as a reliable and validated measure of eco-innovation in fu-
ture research works. Items for the measurement scales’ development were
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