Page 306 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 306
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

In addition, as emphasized by Hojnik and Ruzzier (2015), past re-
search mostly examined the proximate factors (i.e., the causes that im-
mediately lead to the adoption or development of eco-innovation), while
more attention should be devoted to the distal factors of eco-innovation
adoption and development (i.e., the real reason that leads to eco-inno-
vation adoption or development). Our study in not an exception with
regard to this issue; therefore, the investigation of the distal factors of
eco-innovation adoption and development remains a future research di-

Lastly, in future research we would suggest developing this study and
applying it to a wider context (i.e., other countries) to test whether and
how drivers and outcomes of eco-innovation vary across countries and
eco-innovation types. It would also be fruitful to use this integrative ap-
306 proach on different types of industries. In our study, we tested the driv-
ers and outcomes of different eco-innovation types on a sample of com-
panies with at least five employees, while more detailed insights focusing
on different types of industries and other company’s characteristics (e.g.,
age and size) could deepen our understanding of eco-innovation drivers
and outcomes. This would lead to implications related to which eco-inno-
vation type is the most lucrative and beneficial for companies working in
a certain type of industry, age or size, and which factors trigger different
types of eco-innovation in different types of industry etc.
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