Page 332 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 332
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

del s pomočjo modeliranja strukturnih enačb tudi empirično preveri na
vzorcu 223 slovenskih podjetij vseh velikosti (v vzorec so vključena pod-
jetja, ki imajo vsaj 5 zaposlenih). Raziskava oziroma monografija nudi ce-
losten pregled dosedanje/aktualne literature in empiričnih del/raziskav
in pa tudi zanimive ter koristne ugotovitve nanašajoč se na uvajanje in
spodbujanje eko inovacij v podjetjih. Velika dodana vrednost raziskave je
posamično testiranje gonilnih sil in pa posledic različnih vrst eko inova-
cij: izdelčnih, procesnih in pa organizacijskih eko inovacij. S tem avtorica
bolj natančno testira in tudi določi katere določljivke vplivajo na uvajanje
izdelčnih, procesnih in pa organizacijskih eko inovacij. Nadalje, ta pri-
stop omogoča tudi vpogled v to katere eko inovacije se podjetjem izpla-
čajo in katere ne ali manj. Avtorica glavne ugotovitve raziskave strne in
prikaže bolj jedrnato na koncu monografije. Za zaključek pa opozori na
332 omejitve raziskave, predstavi tudi možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje in
poda predloge za podjetja, raziskovalce ter oblikovalce politik.
Boštjan Antončič

The subject of monograph is very effectively identified and described and
the main research questions are clearly expressed and positioned within
the current academic conversation. A thorough literature review is car-
ried out in the first part of the monograph, showing the multitude of per-
spectives that overlap. Furthermore, an entire chapter is dedicated to the
clarification of the possible meanings of “eco-innovation” and their posi-
tioning within the broader concept of innovation. The literature review
highlights the many facets of eco-innovation, its several determinants
and its multiple consequences.

The research conducted and presented in this monograph is based on
a very sophisticated and complex model that includes most of the vari-
ables and dimensions covered by the rich and growing literature in the
field. The hypotheses are tested through an econometric model, based on
the well-known methodology of Structural Equations Modelling. The re-
search is based on a non-randomized sample of Slovenian companies who
are pursuing eco-innovation projects.

While quantitative in nature, the research is mostly based on percep-
tual measures of eco-innovation determinants and outcomes. Hypothe-
ses are tested for relevance and significance.

Furthermore, the monograph drives interesting and important con-
clusions from the research, both at the theoretical and the managerial lev-
el. A specific section of the conclusions also addresses the potential ave-
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