Page 149 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 149
development of tourism and second homes in the area of sviščaki ...

The area is known for extensive forests and represents an important
protected area, which is included in the Natura 2000 directive. Since 2017,
part of the extensive forest complex in this protected area has been part
of the transnational UNESCO World Heritage List, under the category of
Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions
of Europe (UNESCO, 2019).

The aim of this paper is to present the development of the second home
settlement Sviščaki in the context of tourism development on the Snežnik
Plateau by analysing the current state and establishment of the tourist cen-
tre with a focus on spatial analysis of the holiday dwellings, other commu-
nity infrastructure and tourist facilities in Sviščaki, and evaluating plans
for the future tourist development of Sviščaki in the framework of the
Municipal Detailed Spatial Plan for the Tourist Centre Sviščaki (hereinaf-
ter OPPN Sviščaki) (Development Center Planiranje, 2018a; 2018b; Romih
et al. 2018; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 62, 2019).

The spatial analysis of the holiday dwellings was performed with the
help of the Real Estate Registry and the Public Insight into Real Estate por-
tal, managed by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of
Slovenia. Assessment of the tourist centre’s future development possibili-
ties was carried out on the basis of technical documents related to the pro-
cedure of approval of the OPPN Sviščaki (Development Center Planiranje,
2018a; 2018b; Romih et al., 2018) and the Ordinance on the Municipal
Detailed Spatial Plan for the Sviščaki Tourist Centre (Official Gazette of
the Republic of Slovenia 62, 2019).

Development of tourism in the wider area of Sviščaki

The development of tourism in the wider area of Sviščaki can be divided
into two periods.

Development in the interwar period
The beginning of tourism in Sviščaki is associated with the period af-
ter World War I, when the Snežnik-Javorniki Plateau fell under the con-
trol of the Kingdom of Italy almost in its entirety. The Italian govern-
ment extensively supported the construction of mountain huts in the
Snežnik area due to the vicinity of border with the Kingdom of Serbs,
Croats, and Slovenes (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia), in addition to en-
couraging the construction of military and semi-military facilities and

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