Page 169 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 169
development of tourism and second homes in the area of sviščaki ...

ades. The buildings constructed in the sensitive karst landscape, where we
find numerous natural treasures and ecologically significant areas that are
protected as part of Natura 2000, are problematic in a number of aspects,
among which we can highlight the uncontrolled disposal and treatment
of waste water and the failure to comply with the traditional architectur-
al patterns.

Although the adoption of The Ordinance on the Construction Plan
for the Area of Sviščaki (1967) and The Rules on the Implementation of the
Construction Plan for the Area of Sviščaki (1967) brought crucial spatial
planning documentation to the area, the regulatory prescriptions were de-
fined too broadly to prevent architectural-physiognomic imbalances and
the unbridled construction of new facilities. On the other hand, we can
only imagine the chaos that might have ensued without the aforementioned
ordinances, in terms of the development of the second home settlement.

By adopting the OPPN Sviščaki (Official Gazette of the Republic of
Slovenia 62, 2019), the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica intends to offer this
area new opportunities for development. The spatial plan also discusses an
increase in the number of holiday dwellings in places where they are cur-
rently already relatively concentrated. We believe that it would be wiser to
approach the renovation of the existing buildings that are in the process of
decay; and considering all the large-scale development plans, we need to
be, above all, conscious of the significant role of this unique natural area,
which could suffer irreparable damage in the event of reckless and unsus-
tainable interventions.


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