Page 27 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 27
explanatory notes on tourism in protected areas of croatia and slovenia
zasticena-podrucja-u-rh (28. 11. 2019)
Ministry of Environment and Energy of the Republic of Croatia, 2019b: Natura
2000 Network Database, Croatian Agency for the Environment and
Nature, Zagreb.
Ministry of Environment and Energy of the Republic of Croatia, 2019c: Nature
Protection Database, Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature,
Natura 2000, 2019: Natura 2000 v Sloveniji,
php?id=45 (29. 11. 2019)
Nature Conservation Act, 1999: Uradni list RS 56/99.
Republic of Croatia, 2013: Nature Protection Act, Official Gazette 80/2013.
Slovenian Environment Agency, 2019:
varovana-obmocja-4?tid=40 (09. 12. 2019)
Triglav National Park, 2016: Management Plan for the Triglav National Park
TNP-Nacrt-upravljanja-TNP-2016-2025.pdf (22. 11. 2019)

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