Page 70 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 70
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

ue carrying out planned activities. The full effects of the proximity to Krka
National Park in the areas around the upper course of the Krka River are
expected in coming years, along with a more spatially balanced visitation
system and various activities offered to visitors in the upper course. ‘But
[Krka] National Park is a national park. In reality, its task is not develop-
ment of tourism, although in our region it is the main driving force and a
large institution, which has both the human capacity and the financial ca-
pacity to do . . . the largest and most important set of activities’.

Tourist agencies (based in Šibenik and Drniš) have been increasing-
ly including this area in their offers. ‘Although the focus is not so much on
Drniš, as much as it is a kind of general product hinterland, which then in-
cludes, depending on interests, some individual tours which . . . maybe do
not represent us in the best possible way because we are part of some ex-
cursion into the Šibenik-Knin or Split-Dalmatia hinterland, where I am not
sure if those visitors . . . have an actual opportunity to experience Drniš
. . .’. Agencies could include more of the local tourism supply, which also
needs to be more discernible, especially in terms of the gastronomic supply.
‘Agencies often look for . . . services such as tasting rooms, meaning some-
thing fast enough, simple enough, attractive enough, and cheap enough, all
in one’.

Plans for the development of rural tourism in the coming years include
protecting and promoting cultural heritage, further development of visitor
infrastructure, accommodation and gastronomic services, and strength-
ening the position of Drniš as a centre of rural tourism in this part of the
Šibenik-Knin County, to serve as a starting point from which tourists can
easily visit various nearby attractions. The general trends in the future will
depend on the wider development context and trends coming from the na-
tional level, in terms of main economic activities, funds available, and ad-
vancement of decentralisation processes. A key factor in this context will
be the level of proactivity on the part of the local community, i.e. how well
available opportunities will be used, how sustainable the management and
use of local heritage will be, and how successfully tourism will be combined
with other economic activities. Rural tourism in the Town of Drniš could
be a part of an integral development strategy. How far it can go in terms of
influencing negative demographic trends and giving a boost to local econ-
omy, however, remains to be seen.

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