Page 30 - Vinkler, Jonatan, Ana Beguš and Marcello Potocco. Eds. 2019. Ideology in the 20th Century: Studies of literary and social discourses and practices. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 30
Ideology in the 20th Century: studies of literary and social discourses and practices

ulacra. The risk of a purely moral treatment of the relationship between
culture and ideology that runs between critical utopianism and critical
dystopianism or criticism of technology, is to ignore the epistemic dimen-
sion of technology (media ecology). New media create new environments
of services and disservices which are never exclusively positive or nega-
tive but must be understood as a holistic system; this is precisely the point
of ‘understanding’ them, as McLuhan insisted. In this sense, Botz-Born-
stein advocates critical posthumanism, which is neither a blind enthusi-
asm for posthumanism nor a call for a return to traditional humanism,
but ‘the search for the human in the posthuman’ (Botz-Bornstein 2017),
based on Baudrillard’s belief that simulation should never replace reality.

30 Works Cited
11newtown. 2012. “Internet Club–Time.” YouTube, Accessed March 4,


Adorno, Theodore W. and Max Horkheimer. 2002. Dialectic of Enlighten-
ment. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Anders, Günther. 2002. Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen, Vol. 1. Munchen:

———. Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen, Vol. II: Über die Zerstörung des
Lebens im Zeitalter der dritten industriellen Revolution. Munchen:

Babić, Jasna. 2016. V vrtincu subkultur. Ljubljana: Sophia.

Bakhtin, Mihail. 1987. Speech genres and other late essays. Ed. by Caryl Em-
erson and Michael Holquist. Trans. by Vern W. McGee. Texas: Univer-
sity of Texas Press.

Benjamin, Walter. 1969. “The Work of Art in the Age of Its Mechanical Re-
production.” In lluminations, ed. by Hannah Arendt, transl. by Harry
Zohn, New York: Schocken Books.

———. “The task of the translator.” In lluminations, ed. by Hannah Arendt,
transl. by Harry Zohn, 69–83. New York: Schocken Books.

Bolter, Jay David and Richard Grusin. 1999. Remediation: Understanding
New Media. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press.

Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten. 2017. Virtual Reality: The Last Human Narra-
tive? Leiden: Koninklijke Brill.

about technology does not prevent its cultural and psychological effects—instead, we
must understand how technologies create new service environments. For more see in-
terview with McLuhan in Playboy, and Douglas Coupland’s biography of McLuhan.
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