Page 27 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 27
United States of America

21 countries developed recommendations including frequency, in-
tensity, and duration of activity (∼40%). Recommendations for chil-
dren (Table 1) have been developed only in 14 European countries
(∼26%) and for older adults only in 6 countries (∼11%). Countries
with developed physical recommendations in Europe for all age
groups are Austria (Titze et al., 2010), Iceland (Public Health In-
stitute, 2008), Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2009),
Netherlands (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2005) and Unit-
ed Kingdom (Department of Health, 2011).

According to review article of Kahlmeier et al. (2015), physic-
al activity recommendations were available only for about one-
third of countries, mostly from central and eastern part of Europe.
Around 40% of countries in the European Union did not develop
national recommendations till 2015.

United States of America
Healthy People Organisation provides science-based objectives for
improving health in the United States of America. The organisation
developed new goals and objectives for health and disease preven-
tion in States every 10-years for the past 30 years (US Department
of Health and Human Services, 2014). Healthy People 2010 ranked
physical activity as leading health indicator and developed goals to
increase physical activity levels among adults, children, and adoles-
cents and to reduce sedentary behavior among adolescents (US De-
partment of Health and Human Services, 2000). Two most import-
ant objectives in Healthy People 2010 (US Department of Health
and Human Services, 2000) are to increase the amount of moderate-
to-vigorous physical activity among all population subgroups and
increase opportunities and facilities where people can be physically
active. Objectives for increasing physical activity for children and
adolescents are seen in Table 2.

Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the
School Environment from Institute of Medicine of the National
Academies, Washington (2013) formulated recommendations for
physical activity and divided them into six areas: whole-of-school
approach, considering physical activity in all schools related policy

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