Page 32 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 32
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents Dr. Marko Pokorn je specialist pediatrije in infektologije ter docent za po-
dročje infekcijskih bolezni in epidemiologije, zaposlen na Kliniki za infe-
kcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja, UKC Ljubljana in Katedri za infekci-
jske bolezni in epidemiologijo Fakultete za medicino Univerze v Ljubljani. Po
zaključku študija medicine leta 1993 je opravil specializacijo iz pediatrije leta
2000, leta 2012 pa je pridobil še naziv specialista infektologije. Pri svojem de-
lu se osredotoča na obravnavo okužb pri otrocih s posebnim poudarkom na
invazivne bakterijske okužbe ter okužbe kosti in sklepov. V okviru doktorske
disertacije je preučeval virusne okužbe pri otrocih z vročinskimi krči. Poglavit-
na raziskovalna področja vključujejo virusne okužbe dihal in prebavil, klinične in
epidemiološke vidike invazivnih bakterijskih okužb pri otrocih in cepiva.
Marko Pokorn, MD, PhD, is Consultant for Paediatric Infectious Diseases and
Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases at the Department of Infectious Dis-
eases, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. After graduating from
Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ljubljana in 1993 he completed his pae-
diatric training to become Specialist of Paediatrics in 2000 and subsequent-
ly Specialist in Infectious Diseases in 2012. His work focuses on all aspects of
management of infections in childhood with a particular reference on invasive
bacterial infections and osteoarticular infections. For his PhD thesis he studied
viral infections in febrile seizures. Main areas of research include viral respira-
tory and enteric infections, clinical and epidemiological aspects of invasive bac-
terial infections in children and vaccines.

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