Page 285 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 285
jan šlais’s contr ibution to ljubljana’s violin school

His most recognized pupils were Ciril Veronek (1923–2000),56 Mirko Petrač
(1935–2016),57 and Dejan Bravničar (1937–2018). They passed his knowledge
on to younger generations, and later significantly contributed to different
levels of violin education. Soon after completing his studies with Rupel,
V­ eronek became concertmaster of the Radio Orchestra in Ljubljana (to-
day the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra), and later on he was also a suc-
cessful violin pedagogue at the Ljubljana Conservatory. His pupils include
some of the best Slovenian violinists, namely Primož Novšak (1945), Mile
Kosi (1944–2014), Črtomir Šiškovič (1956), Monika Skalar (1958), Miran
Kolbl (1958), and Miha Pogačnik (1949).

Another of Rupel’s pupils, Mirko Petrač, trained several generations
of successful violinists in Maribor.58 After completing his studies, he began
his career as a member of the Radio Orchestra in Ljubljana, and later held
a long tenure as concertmaster of the Slovenian National Theater Orchestra
in Maribor. At the Maribor Conservatory, and later in Celje, he trained nu-
merous successful violinists.

The most successful of Rupel’s pupils was Dejan Bravničar (1937–1918).
His first teacher was Fran Stanič, who was also a pupil of Jan Šlais. He
then moved on to study at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana under ­Karlo
­Rupel, from 1952 to 1957. On top of his own talent and discipline, he sure-
ly must have obtained sufficient violin skills and knowledge from both of
Šlais’s pupils to later be accepted to the violin class of the famous violin-

56 Ciril Veronek was born on July 5th, 1923 in Maribor. His violin teacher there was
Taras Poljanec, then he continued with Karlo Rupel at the Academy of Music in Lju-
bljana, where he completed his studies in 1954. He was concertmaster of the Radio
Symphony Orchestra in Ljubljana, and a member the Slovenian Soloists. From 1960
he taught at the Ljubljana Conservatory. He died on November 2nd, 2000 in Ljublja-
na. See Tomaž Buh, “Ciril Veronek 1923–2000,” Delo, November 14th, 2000; Kata-
rina Bedina, “Veronek, Ciril,” Slovenska biografija (Ljubljana: Slovenska akademi-
ja znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2013), https://www.

57 Mirko Petrač was born on May 8th, 1935 in Ravne na Koroškem. He studied violin at
the Ljubljana Conservatory with Francka Ornik, later with Karlo Rupel at the Acad-
emy of Music in Ljubljana. He died on December 10th, 2016 in Ljubljana. Personal
communication with him in Celje in 2005; Personal correspondence with his son,
the pianist Tomaž Petrač, September 17th, 2019.

58 His most important pupils were: Bojan Cvetrežnik (1971), Brina Nataša Zupančič
(1977), Božena Angelova (1981), Danica Koren, Zmago Barin Turica, Rado Štehar-
nik, Zorica Todorovič, Andrej Božič, Vesna Čobal, Jelka Glavnik, Božo Petrač, Vla-
do Repše, Matjaž Žižek, and many others.

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