Page 373 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 373
socio-political discourses of the development of music education ...

reveal that they were aimed at mastering the basics of music literacy in this
Table 1: Monthly schedule of teaching units, April – May 19057

Monthly schedule of teaching units, April – May 1905

Piano Organ

I Year II Year III Year IV Year
(Organ playing (Organ playing
without pedal)
with pedal)

1. I Uskrs nam slav-
ni! (And our glorious
1. Two-voice exercises 2. Marijo svibnja kra- 1. Marijo svibnja kra-
from Köhler’s school 1. Chord exercises ljice! (Mary, queen of ljice! (Mary, queen of
2. Exercises in bass and from Köhler’s school May!) May!)
treble clef using eighth 2. Exercises and songs 3. Pange lingua! (Of 2. Hor’te slavis
and sixteenth notes with double stops the glorious body tel- 3. I Uskrs nam slav-
3. Triple chords ling) ni! (And our glorious
4. O Marijozv’jezdo Easter!)
mora! (Oh, Mary, star 4. Tebe Boga hvalimo!
of the sea!) (We praise you, Lord!)

5. Na ime Isusovo! ((To
Jesus’s name)

Total: 9 hours Total: 10 hours Total: 6 hours Total: 6 hours

In general, Bogomir Kačerovský was one of the most significant music
figures employed by Teachers’ School, which certainly supported the rep-
utation it enjoyed at the time. He performed his pedagogical tasks for ten
years (1900–1910), and an insight into his work can be gained by review-
ing his syllabi, where every course in elaborated in detail and by teach-
ing units, and which may also allow studying of music teaching methods
and the degree of music knowledge that students could gain in the courses.
Thus, Kačerovský left syllabi for years I to IV, elaborated by teaching units,
for courses: secular singing, church singing, violin, piano and organ, which
reveal that they were focused on music basics, i.e. acquisition of elementa-
ry music knowledge.

Thus, discourse on the organization of music teaching in state gener-
al-education institutions can be concluded with the claim that music with-

to Zagreb where he lived to the old age. He died in 1945. Milorad Milić, “Sarajevski
period Bogomira Kačerovskog,” Časopis za muzičku kulturu Muzika 2 (1998): 20–
21; Paćuka, “Muzički život u Sarajevu u periodu Austro-Ugarske uprave,” 252; Fa-
tima Hadžić, “Uloga i značaj Čeha u razvoju muzičke kulture u Bosni i Hercegovini”
(MA, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 2009), 159–163.
7 Archive of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ZVS, 1905, 135–161.

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