Page 34 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 34
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 34card where visitors showing this “ID” would getgeographical setting, c) sustainability and zero-
discounts either on merchandise or in cafes and -waste economy.
hereditatirestaurants. By having all the sites joint in one
booklet, the transition among them would be The (im-)movable objects for the interpre-
enhanced, the visits increased and the connec- tation infrastructure of the cultural routes and
tion between the heritage sites and their values selected show-case sites and quarries will be
highlighted. based on the “zero waste” concept.5 It aims at us-
ing those parts of stone as the building material
Additionally, a specific cartoon-like book in that usually go wasted in the production process.
national languages for kids (with drawings to be Such material would be reused through innova-
added etc.) would be designed as awareness-rais- tive design solutions for new design products –
ing and educational material, again similar to in this case interpretation infrastructure, name-
the Slovenian mountain route, »transverzala« ly interpretive panel-like or similar supports.
for kids. With the help of creative industries, a new, use-
ful dimension would be given to the waste stone,
To stimulate the participation of the lo- moreover, this principle will also call the atten-
cal communities and storytelling, some points tion to the issues of stone extraction and design.
in the booklets could be formed as questions or Likewise, recycled stone could be used for the
enquiries for information that local inhabitants production of promotional material or for use-
would provide. This way, different sources on ful souvenirs (see above).
heritage would be used, triggering “reflections
on alternative historical hypothesis, local tradi- Workshops on sustainable use of natural stone
tions and stories” (Ename Charter 2008, princi- As a part of educational and awareness raising
ple 2.2 in Grobovšek 2014, 49). activities, a set of workshops could be organi-
sed in the different sites of project area with local
Promotional material partners and local craftsmen, so to produce the
Linked to the cultural route, a whole set of pro- interpretation infrastructure. At these events
motional material or gadgets could be designed, professionals, namely craftsmen from other re-
reflecting the usual travelling aid (e. g. necker- lated sites of the route would be invited. Work-
chiefs, pins, bags, sleeping bags, ...) as well as the shops would address both professional skilled-
typical stonemasons’ equipment (boots, gloves, -staff but also the general public and thus be a
hats, bottle,...). All promotional gadgets should part of the wider tourist-offer of the along the
follow the principle of sustainability, meaning route. As a hands-on experience for visitors and
that they should be made locally with as much as tourists, the proposal complies with the topical
possible ecological material yet following the ge- trends of developing “creative tourism”6.
neral visual identity of the route. Recycled stone
could be used for the production of promotional Re-use of sites
material of useful small-size (not too heavy) sou-
venirs (necklaces, etc...). A particular activity in this ECR proposal en-
compasses the promotion of abandoned quar-
Interpretive infrastructure ry sites. Selected active quarries would be an in-
Should also follow the jointly predefined visu- tegral part of the local itineraries, show-casing
al identity of the route but also respect the lo- the contemporary stone extraction in quarries.
cal specificities. The bottom-line idea of inter- Some of them have already included a presen-
pretive infrastructure should follow the general
aims: a) respect multi-faceted significance of the 5 This section of the pre-study was prepared on the idea of Tjaša Kra-
sites, b) respect for the natural environment and njec from the vocational school center of Sežana (Visokošolsko sre-
dišče Sežana) who was supposed to be also a partner in the Roo-
fOfRock follow-up project »House of Rock«.

6 See
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