Page 59 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 59
ia universitatisAmong inscriptions of auxiliary troops there are also ons, Gaius Cassius Silvester (no. 33) was a veteran, Pub-
r imski vojaki na območju slovenije ... 59 lius Maximius Maternus (no. 46) was a measurer and
two mentions of the first and second horse unit – alae of others (no. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 , 50, 51, 52,
Thracians and Commageni, while units of the first His- 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 and 67) were
panic cohort, first Germanic cohort and the horse unit all beneficiarii.
Many roman military inscriptions found all over Slo-
of Asturi are all mentioned once. venia were scattered on different locations in Dolenjs-
ka, Bela Krajina (Tržišče, Šmihel near Žužemberk, Ve-
Examples of military inscriptions from Emona of the liko Korinje near Žužemberk) and Styria (Črešnjevec,
Slovenj Gradec, Slovenske Konjice, Hudinja near Vi-
1st century AD (see chart 5 and 6) prove only that the tanje and Vrba near Dobrna), from which can be con-
Apollo’s Fifteenth Legion and the Augustus’ Eighth Le- cluded, that these places were included in the wider
gion participated in the conquest of the Cisalpine Gaul hinterland of provincial towns of Celeia, Petovio and
Neviodunum. In the far west of Slovenia, in Grad near
and the Western Balkan territories against indigenous Reka was found a cemetery with 149 graves. Among
finds there was a tombstone belonging to a military sol-
people. Furthermore evidence can be found on military dier of the Fifteenth Legion (no. 120), dated between 53
inscriptions from Petovio, specifically those attribut- and 31 BC.
ed to the Augustus’ Eight Legion (see chart 5 and 6) of Expected differences can be spotted between cities,
which soldiers built a military camp in the vicinity of to- which are already visible by the number of military in-
day’s Ptuj. scriptions.
After the second half of the 1st century AD the num-
ber of representatives of the Thirteenth Twin Legion Povzetek
is increased among inscriptions (see chart 6). These in-
scriptions give further evidence to the already known Velik del vojaških napisov se nahaja na nagrobnikih
ancient sources about the presence and accommoda- (nagrobne plošče, stele, sarkofagi, pepelnice, grobnice
tion of the Thirteenth Twin Legion in Petovio’s region. in žare) (glej graf 1 in 2), v manjšem številu pa na votiv-
In ancient sources the Thirteen Twin Legion was men- nih napisih (v obliki oltarjev in posvetil). Vojaki na napi-
tioned by Tacitus in relation to the year of four emper- sih nastopajo kot pokojniki, pa tudi kot postavljavci na-
ors. pisov družinskim članom (št. 5, 11, 18/19, 106 in 113). Kot
In Neviodunum and Praetorium Latobicorum inscrip- postavljavci spomenikov so vojaki izpričani tudi na napi-
tions can be connected with the beneficiarii (see chart sih št. 21, 27, 44, 45, 49, 98/104, 101 in 119, katere so naroči-
3), which in most cases are altars and dedications intend- li še v času svojega življenja in jih oporočno dali postaviti
ed for gods and other deities. Most of the inscriptions v spomin sebi in svojim bližnjim. Iz vsega, kar smo na-
are dedicated to Jupiter and several local patrons. On in- vedli, je razvidno, da kljub skromnemu številu obstoje-
scriptions no. 3 and 58, Jupiter is known as Jupiter Dol- čih in dokumentiranih vojaških napisov najdenih širom
ichenus. In the Roman Empire during the 2nd and 3rd Slovenije, ti podpirajo predpostavko o prisotnosti rim-
skih vojakov na obravnavanem območju. Povečano šte-
century the cult of Jupiter Dolichenus was widespread vilo napisov vojakov iz 1. in 2. st. (glej sl. 5) lahko poveže-
mo z intenzivno širitvijo rimske države na jugovzhodni
especially among soldiers. In Pannonia it flourished evropski prostor in naprej na Balkan in kasnejšim voj-
during the Severan dynasty. Some examples of these in- nim dogajanjem znotraj cesarstva.
scriptions were dedicated to individual goddesses (no. 4, Na obravnavanih vojaških napisih Emone, Petovione,
Nevioduna, Prateorija Latobikov, Celeje in drugih po-
17, 33 and 35) or all gods (no. 58 and 59) and in one case also samičnih lokacijah po Sloveniji so izpričani predvsem
to compatriots (no. 46). Most of these votive inscrip- beneficiariji, legionarji, pretorijanci, centurioni in vete-
tions belonged to the beneficiarii and are accurately dat- rani; v treh primerih (št. 48, 55 in 115) je pri veteranih ome-
ed to the 2nd and 3rd century (no. 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

and 66), i.e. during this period in provincial towns the

Empire established important offices and institutions,

which were managed by the beneficiarii.
None of the dedicators or contributors was an ordi-
nary soldier: Valerius Aemilianus (no. 3) was a sign-bear-
er, Vibius (no. 4) was a superintendent, Martial (no. 17)
and Lucius Septimius Tertinius (no. 105) were centuri-
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64