Page 330 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2021. Opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama ▪︎ Operetta between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 5
P. 330
opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama

seasons in which not a single opera was performed at the National Thea-
tre in Maribor.

Table 1: Number of individual premieres and percentage ratio of operetta premieres to
opera premieres at the National Theatre in Maribor by individual seasons between the wars.

Season Operetta – number Operetta Opera – number Opera - % primieres
of primieres – % primieres of primieres
1919/20 1 0 0
1920/21 9 100 3 25
1921/22 4 75 2 33,3
1922/23 6 66,6 5 45,45
1923/24 3 54,54 6 66,6
1924/25 2 33,3 6 75
1925/26 3 25 5 62,5
1926/27 6 37,5 5 45,45
1927/28 6 54,54 4 40
1928/29 7 60 0 0
1929/30 5 100 2 28,6
1930/31 8 71,4 2 20
1931/32 7 80 3 30
1932/33 5 70 1 16,7
1933/34 7 83,3 1 12,5
1934/35 5 87,5 2 28,6
1935/36 6 71,4 0 0
1936/37 6 100 0 0
1937/38 4 100 2 33,3
1938/39 3 66,6 2 40
1939/40 4 60 2 33,3

Repertoire analysis of operetta production in Maribor

between the wars
A review of the productions staged by the Maribor Opera between the wars
shows that operettas accounted for more than two thirds of the entire rep-
ertoire. Despite the thoroughly altered cultural, political and ideological
context in the new state of the South Slavs after the end of the First World
War, Maribor theatregoers clearly did not wish to renounce this popular
genre. Operetta continued to predominate in Maribor right up until the
start of the Second World War, when the theatre was compelled to close its

Of the 146 musical-dramatic productions staged at the National Thea-
tre in Maribor, 107 were operettas by various composers (13 by Slovene com-

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