Page 332 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2021. Opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama ▪︎ Operetta between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 5
P. 332
opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama

Most frequently performed foreign operettas Number of repeat performances
at the National Theatre in Maribor
Albini: Barun Trenck 32
Hervé: Mam‘zelle Nitouche 31
Kálmán: Die Bajadere 29
Fall: Die Rose von Stambul 27
Suppé: Boccaccio 26
Kálmán: Ein Herbstmanöver

Yet it was not only foreign operettas that were popular in Maribor:
those by Slovene composers also enjoyed considerable popularity. Besides
the three operettas by Viktor Parma already mentioned, the National The-
atre in Maribor staged performances of operettas by Josip Jiranek (Vse za
šalo), Pavel Rasberger (Rdeči nageljni, Zaroka na Jadranu and Prebrisani
amor), Danilo Bučar (Študentje smo), Marjan Kozina (Majda) and Radovan
Gobec (Habakuk) in the interwar period.

Table 3: Most frequently performed Slovene operettas (in terms of number of repeat
performances) at the National Theatre in Maribor between the wars.

Most frequently performed Slovene operettas Number of repeat performances
at the National Theatre in Maribor
Parma: Caričine amazonke 23
Jiranek: Vse za šalo 18
Gobec: Habakuk 14
Parma: Nečak 14
Rasberger: Rdeči nageljni 11
Rasberger: Zaroka na Jadranu 10
Kozina: Majda 8
Bučar: Študentje smo 6
Rasberger: Prebrisani amor 5
Parma: Apolonov hram

By far the largest number of repeat performances in a single season of
an operetta by a domestic composer – 23 in total – were given of the oper-
etta Vse za šalo by the Czech musical immigrant Josip Jiranek, who had al-
ready proved himself to be a “skilful interpreter [...] and a dominant master
of musicians, chorus members and soloists.”16 At the premiere of his oper-
etta on 25 December 1938, according to the critic of the Mariborski večernik

16 Fran Vatovec, “»Nepravi nečak« ali »Postrešček št. 13«,” Mariborski večernik »Jutra«
12, no. 66 (23 March 1938): 4,

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