Page 14 - Hrobat Virloget, Katja, ur. 2021. Mitska krajina: iz različnih perspektiv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 14
ja Hrobat Virloget

knjige, vendar omejujoč se le na znanstveni diskurz. V njej je mitska kra-
jina, predvsem izhajajoč iz Rodika, predstavljena skozi različne znanstvene
perspektive, od etnološke, zgodovinske, arheološke in geografske do vidika
dediščinskih študij.

Mythical Landscape: Introduction into Different Perspectives
The introduction to the book includes basic features on the mythical land-
scape oft Rodik and Trebišće near Mošćenička Draga, which have been com-
bined to create a joint cross-border tourist destination. Their common fea-
tures are presented, i. e. the mythical tradition in the landscape in situ, in the
form of narrative tradition and toponyms. On the other hand, we discover
the difference between the two parks: while in Trebišće the tradition is based
on mythical toponyms, and the narrative tradition is almost non-existent, it
is a fundamental feature of the park in Rodik where stories are presented in
the places from where they originate and explain them. In Trebišće, we get
to know the (old) Slavic mythical landscape, while in Rodik the palimpsest
of different views of the world or syncretic mythical landscape is presented.
In the project, we avoided using the usual information boards by present-
ing the mythical landscape points through a g s m app or in written form,
stone markers guide along the mythical paths, and stories are interpreted
in stone sculptures. The youngest visitors can engage in interactive games
where solutions open interaction points in the visitor centres at Rodik and
In Rodik prevail traditions that interpret and mark this space – from the
mythical Ajdi, the mythical Baba, ‘Šembilja,’ to the entrance to the world of
the dead through caves, etc. On the mythical path around Trebišće we fol-
low the reconstruction of the (old) Slavic mythical story. It should be noted
that we deal exclusively with the mythical tradition, i. e. fragments of some
mythical beliefs preserved in folklore, and not myths as sacred texts which
have not been preserved in Europe. Perun above Trebišće and Baba from
Rodik, the Slavic divine mythical couple depicted in the logo of the Mythical
Park project, represent the common feature that connects the two locations
to create a joint tourist destination.⁷
At the end the content of the book is indicated which follows the concept of
the exhibition in Rodik on the different views or perspectives of the world.

⁷ Mythical park. Joint cross-border tourist destination for the preservation, protection and
promotion of the heritage of the mythical area. Interreg v-a Slovenia-Croatia Co-operation
Programme 2014–2020. The project is co-funded by the erdf. Project duration: 1 Septem-
ber 2018–30 February 2021. Project holder: Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina; project partner-
ship: Municipality of Mošćenička Draga, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hos-
pitality Management; Inkubator, d. o. o.; University of Primorska/Università del Litorale;
Tourist Board of Mošćenička Draga; Arhej, d. o. o., archaeological research and other intel-
lectual services.

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