Page 98 - Hrobat Virloget, Katja, ur. 2021. Mitska krajina: iz različnih perspektiv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 98
ksander Panjek

pir in tobak. Na podlagi rezultatov prvega dela se v drugem delu poglavja
z zgodovinopisnimi metodami preverja lokalno ustno izročilo o tem, kateri
je bil najstarejši del vasi in kakšne so bile njene notranje delitve. S kom-
biniranjem analize posesti na najstarejšem delu obdelovalnih zemljišč (ka-
tera gospodinjstva so posedovala več prvotnih zemljišč) z uporabo poeno-
stavljene različice retrogradne metode Andreja Pleterskega, kazalniki pre-
moženja (struktura hiš, število domačih živali) iz Franciscejskega katastra
ter na podlagi obstoječe zgodovinske, arheološke in etnografske literature
avtor predlaga interpretacijo, po kateri je bila izvorna vas na desni oziroma
severni strani glavne vaške ulice (slika 5).
V zaključku se vsekakor opozarja, da kljub vsaj navideznemu identificiranju
treh prekrivajočih se možnih izvorov rodiške »obredne« delitve ne moremo
povsem izključiti, da je nekdaj prišlo do kakega razkola znotraj skupnosti
(na osnovi delitve med bogate in revne prebivalce ali med stanovalce starej-
šega in novejšega dela vasi, ali pa tudi ne), ki ga ne poznamo in čigar posle-
dica je bila notranja razdeljenost. To bi bila tema za posebno raziskavo, če bi
jo le pisni viri dopustili.

A Picture of Rodik from Two Centuries Ago: The Visible,
the Apparent and Some Hypotheses between History
and folk Tradition

The chapter addresses the rural history of Littoral Slovenia through a case
study on the village of Rodik. In the first part it focuses on its economy,
society and environment at the beginning of the 19th century, while in the
second to verify the local oral tradition on the origin and structure of the
settlement over a long period of time. The work is based on data and infor-
mation from the Franziscean cadastre, which is a well-known and appreci-
ated source especially for historians and geographers. It is distinguished by
an extraordinary wealth of information that, for the first time in the history
of this area, provides systematic and detailed insight based on standardized
data in cartographic, textual and numerical form. This makes it useful for
both micro-level studies and extensive regional analyses. Its value also lies
in the fact that it originated in the transition period from pre-industrial
to industrialization times, thus offering a picture of the situation at this
historical phase. The original destination of the cadastre defines the typol-
ogy of its information, which is strongly agriculture-related. Nevertheless,
other kinds of information may be found. Apart from contributing to rural
history research on a case study basis, the paper examines the potentials of
the source itself.
It may be observed that the representatives of the local community involved
in the creation of the cadastre were not interested in emphasizing the pos-
itive aspects of their economy, since the result was taxation. On the other
hand, officials tended to simplify local reality in order to fit it into standard-
ized categories, while being outsiders to the peasant society and culture,

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