Page 19 - Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology Conference. 12th Triple i | Virtual Conference | 25th–27th May 2021
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id-19 Era Healthcare-Worker Suicide 12th Triple i | Virtual Conference | 25th–27th May 2021

Lai Fong Chan

Prof. Chan Lai Fong is currently Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Consultant
Psychiatrist at the National University of Malaysia. She trained in psychiatry at
the National University of Malaysia and completed a Clinical Fellowship in Mood
& Anxiety Disorders at the University of Toronto, followed by a Master of Science
in Affective Neuroscience at Maastricht University. Prof. Chan’s research interests
are in the area of gene-environment, as well as socio-cultural interactions in su-
icidal behavior among adolescents, young adults and high-risk clinical popula-
tions i.e. treatment-resistant depression, bipolar disorder & SLE. She was recently
awarded the IASP 2017 De Leo Fund Award for Outstanding Research on Suicidal
Behaviours in Developing Countries.

Abstract. As front-liners bearing the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic, health-
care workers have significant risk of psychological distress and suicidal be-
haviour. Health-care worker suicide risk may be exacerbated by pre-existing
or emergent mental health conditions, occupational stressors, organizatio-
nal inadequacies, socio-economic and gender disparities. Nevertheless, resi-
lience and post-traumatic growth may arise from increased global collabo-
ration and collective altruism. Potential interventions in the health (physical
& psychological), as well as non-health spheres; and implications on suici-
de prevention in health-care workers will be discussed in the context of the
Covid-19 pandemic. 19
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