Page 22 - Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology Conference. 12th Triple i | Virtual Conference | 25th–27th May 2021
P. 22
h Triple i | Virtual Conference | 25th–27th May 2021 got sick in rapid progression, guests felt progressively more fearful and aban-
doned. During the second wave, the situation changed completely. Italian
nursing homes seemed then as abandoned castles, where the virus entered
and settled, causing very serious damage. They were abandoned by the go-
vernments, which gave no money to helping the survival of residences for
older people. Then, citizens accused those facilities of bad governance and
inadequate treatment of residents. The staff – particularly nurses – abando-
ned them, with some moving to public hospitals, where the salary is much
higher. Finally, nursing homes were also abandoned by universities and re-
search institutions, which neglected their need for adequate clinical care. A
huge number of Italians have lost their parents or relatives that were resi-
dents of nursing homes. Guilt feelings, sense of impotence, and legal battles
are characterizing the aftermath of the first and second Covid waves.

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