Page 22 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20-26 June 2021. Presentation of Plenary, Invited, Public, Abel and Prize Speakers at the 8ECM.
P. 22
European Congress of Mathematics

Aleksey Kostenko

University of Ljubljana and University of


Aleksey Kostenko completed his master’s and PhD
studies at Donetsk National University (Ukraine) under the supervision
of Professor Mark Malamud. During his postdoctoral career, he received
several fellowships (ESI Junior Fellowship, IRCSET Fellowship and Lise-
Meitner Fellowship). In 2012, he completed habilitation in the University of
Vienna, and in 2017 was appointed an Associate Professor at the Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. Since 2013, Kostenko
has been a principal investigator of several research projects funded by the
Austrian Science Fund. For his work in spectral theory of linear operators in
Hilbert spaces he received several awards, including the Ya. B. Lopatinskii
award (2007) and Prize of the Austrian Mathematical Society (2016).

Emmanuel Kowalski

ETH Zürich


Emmanuel Kowalski has been a professor of
mathematics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich
since 2008. His research domain is analytic number theory, taken in a very
broad sense, with a focus on interactions with other areas of mathematics,
and especially exponential sums over finite fields and with probabilistic

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