Page 24 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20-26 June 2021. Presentation of Plenary, Invited, Public, Abel and Prize Speakers at the 8ECM.
P. 24
European Congress of Mathematics

as a lecturer at the University of Birmingham, where she founded a thriving
Combinatorics research group together with Deryk Osthus. In 2010, she
was appointed as Mason Chair of Mathematics at Birmingham. She has
received several research grants from EPSRC and from Europe, including an
ERC Starting Grant and an ERC Advanced Grant. Jointly with Deryk Osthus,
she has been awarded the European Prize in Combinatorics in 2003 and
the Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society in 2014. Further
recognition for her research includes an invited lecture at the International
Congress of Mathematicians in 2014 as well as a Royal Society Research
Merit Award in 2015. Her research interests are Extremal and Probabilistic

Eugenia Malinnikova

Norwegian University of Science and


Malinnikova earned her PhD in 1999 from St. Petersburg State University
under the supervision of Victor Havin. She works as a professor at
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. In
2018–19, she was a von Neumann fellow at IAS, Princeton. Since the fall of
2019 she has also been a full professor at Stanford University.
In 2018, Malinnikova was an invited speaker to ICM, Rio de Janeiro. She
won the Clay Research Award in 2017 jointly with Aleksandr Logunov.

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