Page 60 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20-26 June 2021. Presentation of Plenary, Invited, Public, Abel and Prize Speakers at the 8ECM.
P. 60
European Congress of Mathematics

York and at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow;
he also serves as the academic supervisor of HSE International Laboratory
of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics. His previous positions
include the University of Chicago, University of California at Berkeley, and
Princeton University.
He is taking an active part in the organization of the ICM2022 in St.
Petersburg, which will directly follow the 8ECM.

Stanislav Smirnov

University of Geneva, St Petersburg
University, Skoltech

A Fields medalist Stanislav Smirnov will deliver
a public lecture at the 8th European Congress of

Stanislav Smirnov is a Russian mathematician whose research involves
complex and geometric analysis, dynamical systems, probability theory and
mathematical physics. He received his doctorate at Caltech in 1996 under
the supervision of Nikolai G. Makarov.
Smirnov has worked on percolation theory, where, in 2001, he proved the
formula for the critical percolation crossings, suggested by the physicist
John Cardy in 1992. Smirnov’s theorem has led to a fairly complete theory
for percolation on the triangular lattice, including conformal invariance of
its scaling limit, as well as derivation of various dimensions and exponents
via its relationship to the Schramm–Loewner evolution introduced by
Oded Schramm. Smirnov applied these techniques to other problems, in

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