Page 64 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20-26 June 2021. Presentation of Plenary, Invited, Public, Abel and Prize Speakers at the 8ECM.
P. 64
European Congress of Mathematics

screening of nanoporous crystalline materials, classification and synthesis
of neuron morphologies, and classification of neuronal network dynamics.
She has also developed and applied innovative topological approaches
to network theory, leading to a powerful, parameter-free mathematical
framework relating the activity of a neural network to its underlying
structure, both locally and globally.
In 2016 she was elected to the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
and was named a fellow of the American Mathematical Society and a
distinguished speaker of the European
Mathematical Society in 2017. She is a member of the International
Advisory Committee for ICM 2022.
She has contributed actively to the scientific life of the mathematical
community, in particular by co-founding the network “Women in Topology
‘’ in 2011 and co-organizing its first activities. She has also been deeply
involved in outreach, such as the creation in 2008 of the Euler Course, a six-
year, fast-paced math program for children with exceptional mathematical
potential, based at EPFL.
She has been awarded several prizes for her teaching, including the top
EPFL teaching award.

Bojan Mohar

University Simon Fraser and University of
Elsevier Lecture

Bojan Mohar is a Slovenian and Canadian mathematician whose areas

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