Page 257 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 257


Organized by Marco Buratti, Università di Perugia, Italy

• Kirkman triple systems with many symmetries, Marco Buratti
• Mutually orthogonal cycle systems, Andrea C. Burgess
• Testing Arrays for Fault Localization, Charles Colbourn
• Factorizations of infinite graphs, Simone Costa
• On the mini-symposium problem, Peter Danziger
• A lower bound on permutation codes of distance n − 1, Peter Dukes
• Characterizing isomorphism classes of Latin squares by fractal dimensions of image

patterns, Raúl M. Falcón
• Novák’s conjecture on cyclic Steiner triple systems and its generalization, Tao Feng
• An Evans-style result for block designs, Daniel Horsley
• Balancedly splittable orthogonal designs, Hadi Kharaghani
• Resolving sets and identifying codes in finite geometries, György Kiss
• 20 years of Legendre Pairs, Ilias Kotsireas
• Packings of Partial Difference Sets, Shuxing Li
• Balanced Equi-n-squares, Trent Marbach
• Equitably 2-colourable even cycle systems, Francesca Merola
• Weakly self-orthogonal designs and related linear codes, Vedrana Mikulic´ Crnkovic´
• The classification of 2-(v, k, λ) designs, with λ > 1 and (r, λ) = 1, admitting a

flag-transitive automorphism group, Alessandro Montinaro
• Testing isomorphism of circulant objects in polynomial time, Mikhael Muzychuk
• Strictly additive 2-designs, Anamari Nakic´
• Sequences in Zn with Distinct Partial Sums, Matt Ollis
• Universal sequences and Euler tours in hypergraphs, Deryk Osthus
• A reduction of the spectrum problem for sun systems, Anita Pasotti
• Regular 1-factorizations of complete graphs with orthogonal spanning trees,

Gloria Rinaldi
• A few new triplanes, Sanja Rukavina
• Merging Combinatorial Design and Optimization: the Oberwolfach Problem,

Fabio Salassa
• On the existence of large set of partitioned incomplete Latin squares, Cong Shen
• Bipartite 2-factorizations of complete multigraphs via layering, Mateja Šajna
• On some periodic Golay pairs and pairwise balanced designs, Andrea Švob
• Dual incidences and t-designs in elementary abelian groups, Kristijan Tabak
• On the Oberwolfach Problem for single-flip 2-factors via graceful labelings,

Tommaso Traetta
• On the classification of unitals on 28 points of low rank, Alfred Wassermann
• Heffter Arrays and Biembbedings of Cycle Systems on Orientable Surfaces, E. S¸ule Yazıcı
• Block designs constructed from orbit matrices using a modified genetic algorithm,

Tin Zrinski
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