Page 260 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 260

On the mini-symposium problem

Peter Danziger,
Ryerson University, Canada

Joint work with E. Mendelsohn, B. Stevens, T. Traetta.
The Oberwolfach problem was originally stated as a seating problem:

Given v attendees at a conference with t circular tables each of which seats ai
people i=1 ai = v . Find a seating arrangement so that every person sits next to

each other person around a table exactly once over the r days of the conference.

The Oberwolfach problem thus asks for a decomposition of Kn (Kn − I when n is even) into
2-factors consisting of cycles with lengths a1, . . . , at.

In this talk we introduce the related mini-symposium problem, which asks for solutions to

the Oberwolfach problem on v points which contains a subsystem on m points. In the seating

context above, the larger conference contains a mini-symposium of m participants, and we also

require these m participants to be seated together for m−1 of the days.

We obtain a complete solution when the cycle sizes are as large as possible, i.e. m and v−m.

In addition, we provide extensive results in the case where all cycle lengths are equal, of size k

say, completely solving all cases when m | v, except possibly when k is odd and v is even. In

particular, we completely solve the case when all cycles are of length m (k = m).

A lower bound on permutation codes of distance n − 1

Peter Dukes,
University of Victoria, Canada

Coauthor: Sergey Bereg

A construction for mutually orthogonal latin squares (MOLS) inspired by pairwise balanced
designs is shown to hold more generally for a class of permutation codes of length n and mini-
mum distance n−1. Using ingredients when n equals a prime or a prime plus one, and applying
a number sieve, we obtain a general lower bound M (n, n − 1) ≥ n1.0797 on the size of such
codes for large n. This represents a small improvement on the guarantee given from MOLS.

Characterizing isomorphism classes of Latin squares by fractal
dimensions of image patterns

Raúl M. Falcón,
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Based on the construction of pseudo-random sequences arisen from a given Latin square, Dim-
itrova and Markovski [1] described in 2007 a graphical representation of quasigroups by means
of fractal image patterns. The recognition and analysis of such patterns have recently arisen
[2,3] as an efficient new approach for classifying Latin squares into isomorphism classes. This
talk delves into this topic by focusing on the use of the differential box-counting method for
determining the mean fractal dimension of the homogenized standard sets associated to these

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