Page 338 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 338

Geometry and Combinatorics of Semiregular Polytopes

Egon Schulte,
Northeastern University, United States

Traditionally, a polyhedron or polytope is semiregular if its facets are regular and its symme-
try group is transitive on vertices. We briefly review the semiregular convex polytopes, and
then discuss semiregular abstract polytopes, which have abstract regular facets, still with com-
binatorial automorphism group transitive on vertices. Our focus is on alternating semiregular
polytopes, with two kinds of regular facets occurring in an alternating fashion. The cuboctahe-
dron is a familiar example in rank 3. We then describe recent progress on the assembly problem
for alternating semiregular polytopes: which pairs of regular n-polytopes can occur as facets of
a semiregular (n+1)-polytope? If time permits, we brief discuss semiregularity in the context of
skeletal polyhedra in 3-space. Most work is joint with Barry Monson.

Regular and ‘half-regular’ maps of negative prime Euler characteristic

Jozef Širánˇ,
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia

In 2005 A. Breda, R. Nedela and the presenter classified the (fully) regular maps on surfaces
with negative prime Euler characteristic; this was the first such classification for an infinite
family of surfaces. Extending a 2005 result of M. Belolipetsky and G. Jones, in a 2010 paper by
M. Conder, T. Tucker and the presenter a corresponding orientable version of the classification
was given for orientably-regular maps of genus p + 1 for any prime p.

Algebraically, fully regular maps of valency k and face length correspond to normal quo-
tients of the full (2, k, )-triangle groups presented in the form ∆(2, k, ) = r0, r1, r2; r02, r12, r22,
(r0r2)2, (r2r1)k, (r1r0) . Orientably-regular maps then arise from normal quotients of the
orientation-preserving subgroup r0r1, r1r2 of index two in ∆(2, k, ). Depending on the parity
of k and , however, the group ∆(2, k, ) may contain up to 7 subgroups of index two, giving
rise to further families of ‘half-regular’ maps in addition to the orientably-regular ones.

The above classification results have generated interest in a similar investigation of the re-
maining families of ‘half-regular’ maps. The first family studied from this point of view appears
to be the one of bi-rotary maps which arise from the index-two subgroup r0, r1r2 of ∆(2, k, )
for even. A classification of bi-rotary maps of negative prime Euler characteristic was com-
pleted in 2019 by A. Breda, D. Catalano and the presenter. Recently, another such family of
maps, called edge-biregular and generated by the subgroup r0, r2, r1r0r1, r1r2r1 of index two
in ∆(2, k, ) for both k, even, have been investigated in detail by O. Reade (2021). Moreover,
in a joint 2021 paper by O. Reade and the presenter we have classified edge-biregular maps on
surfaces of negative prime Euler characteristic.

In the talk we will review the previous classification results and present details on the new
ones for edge-biregular maps.

Acknowledgment: This research was supported by the APVV Research Grants 17-0428 and
19-0308, and by the VEGA Research Grants 1/0238/19 and 1/0206/20.

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