Page 343 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 343


Organized by Claudiu C. Remsing, Rhodes University, South Africa
Coorganized by Zlatko Erjavec, University of Zagreb, Croatia

• Characterization of manifolds of constant curvature by spherical curves and ruled
surfaces, Luiz C. B. Da Silva

• Differential geometry of submanifolds in flag varieties via differential equations,
Boris Doubrov

• J-trajectories in Sol40, Zlatko Erjavec
• Similarlity geometry revisited: Differential Geometry and CAGD, Jun-ichi Inoguchi
• Contact CR submanifolds in odd-dimensional spheres: new examples,

Marian Ioan Munteanu
• Cauchy-Riemann geometry of Legendrian curves in the 3-dimensional Sphere,

Emilio Musso
• On the Bishop frame of a partially null curve in Minkowski spacetime, Emilija Nešovic´
• Topologically Embedded Pseudospherical Surfaces, Lorenzo Nicolodi
• New results in the study of magnetic curves in quasi-Sasakian manifolds of product type,

Ana Irina Nistor
• On composition of geodesic and conformal mappings between generalized Riemannian

spaces preserving certain tensors, Miloš Petrovic´
• Null scrolls, B-scrolls and associated evolute sets in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space,

Ljiljana Primorac Gajcˇic´
• Non-holonomic equations for sub-Riemannian extremals and metrizable parabolic

geometries, Jan Slovak
• Simple closed geodesics on regular tetrahedra in spaces of constant curvature,

Darya Sukhorebska
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