Page 351 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 351


Organized by Paul Feehan, Rutgers University, United States
Coorganized by

Raphael Zentner, University of Regensburg, Germany
Natasa Sesum, Rutgers University, United States

• A Local Singularity Analysis for the Ricci Flow, Reto Buzano
• Spaces of constrained positive scalar curvature metrics, Alessandro Carlotto
• Foliation of Asymptotically Schwarzschild Manifolds by Generalized Willmore Surfaces,

Alexander Friedrich
• A two-valued Bernstein theorem in dimension four, Fritz Hiesmayr
• Characterizing slopes for Legendrian knots, Marc Kegel
• Large area-constrained Willmore spheres in initial data sets, Thomas Koerber
• A Positive Mass Theorem for Fourth-Order Gravity, Paul Laurain
• Applications of virtual Morse–Bott theory to the moduli space of SO(3) Monopoles,

Thomas Leness
• Recent progress in Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces, Jason Lotay
• Applications of Floer homology to clasp number vs genus, Tomasz Mrowka
• Wedge theorems for ancient mean curvature flows, Niels Martin Møller
• Alternating links, rational balls, and tilings, Brendan Owens
• Negatively curved Einstein metrics on quotients of 4-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds,

Bruno Premoselli
• The Witten Conjecture for homology S1 × S3, Nikolai Saveliev
• Free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball, Mario Schulz
• Disoriented homology of surfaces and branched covers of the 4-ball, Sašo Strle
• A Brakke type regularity for the Allen-Cahn flow, Shengwen Wang
• Algebraic and geometric classification of Yang-Mills-Higgs flow lines, Graeme Wilkin
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