Page 354 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 354

A Positive Mass Theorem for Fourth-Order Gravity

Paul Laurain,
Université de Paris, France

Coauthors: Rodrigo Avalos, Jorge Lira

In classical Einstein gravity, the metric is a critical point of the Einstein-Hilbert functional,
i.e. g → M Rg dv. It has been proved that there exists a conserved quantity along space-
like hypersurface, called the ADM mass. In a celebrated work Schoen and Yau proved that if
the scalar curvature of the hypersurface is none-negative then the mass is none-negative, with
rigidity if the mass vanishes. After remembering some facts about this result, I will introduce
a new mass associated to a fourth order functional, namely g → M αRg2 + β|Ricg|2 dvg. Then
I will explain how we obtain an analogue of the positive mass theorem for this new mass by
replacing the none-negativity of the scalar curvature by the one of the Q-curvature.

Applications of virtual Morse–Bott theory to the moduli space of SO(3)

Thomas Leness,
Florida International University, United States

Coauthor: Paul Feehan

We describe some recent joint work with P. Feehan on the Morse theory of a function on the
moduli space of SO(3) monopoles on a smooth four-manifold and sketch some applications to
the topology of smooth four-manifolds.

Recent progress in Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces

Jason Lotay,
University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Lagrangian mean curvature flow is potentially a powerful tool for tackling several important
open problems in symplectic topology. The first non-trivial and important case is the flow of
Lagrangian surfaces in 4-manifolds. I will describe some recent progress in understanding the
Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces, including general results about ancient solutions
and the study of the Thomas-Yau conjecture in explicit settings.

Applications of Floer homology to clasp number vs genus

Tomasz Mrowka,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

A basic question in four dimensional topology is determining the smooth four-ball genus of a
knot in the the three sphere. A closely related question is determining the minimal number of
double points of a disk smoothly immersed bounding the knot. We’ll survey recent advances on
this problem using tools coming from gauge theory and related invariant. This circle of ideas is
related to interesting questions in algebraic geometry.

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