Page 485 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 485
Organized by Oliver Dragicˇevic´, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Microlocal analysis of singular measures, Valeria Banica
• Pointwise convergence for the Schrödinger equation with orthonormal initial data,
Neal Bez
• p-ellipticity, generalized convexity and applications, Andrea Carbonaro
• Weak L1 inequalities for noncommutative singular integrals, Jose Manuel Conde Alonso
• Sobolev-Lorentz capacity and its regularity in the Euclidean setting, Serban Costea
• An optimal multiplier theorem for Grushin operators in the plane, Gian Maria Dall’Ara
• Multilinear singular and oscillatory integrals and applications, Polona Durcik
• A new proof of the weak (1, 1) inequality for the dyadic square function, Irina Holmes
• Tales on two commuting transformations or flows, Vjekoslav Kovacˇ
• Optimal Hardy weights on the Euclidean lattice, Marius Lemm
• Spectral analysis of a confinement model in relativistic quantum mechanics, Albert Mas
• Fractional Integrals with Measure in Grand Lebesgue and Morrey spaces,
Alexander Meskhi
• Pointwise ergodic theorems for bilinear polynomial averages, Mariusz Mirek
• Inequalities for noncommutative martingales with applications to quantum harmonic
analysis, Adam Osekowski
• Fractional Degenerate Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities, Carlos Perez Moreno
• Regularity of solutions of complex coefficient elliptic systems: the p-ellipticity condition,
Jill Pipher
• Lp estimates for wave equations with specific Lipschitz coefficients, Pierre Portal
• Improved bounds for the Kakeya maximal conjecture using semialgebraic geometry,
Keith Rogers
• Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality for p = 1, Dmitriy Stolyarov
• On a control of the maximal truncated Riesz transform by the Riesz transform;
dimension-free estimates, Błaz˙ej Wróbel
• Multiplicative inequalities on BMO, Pavel Zatitskii
• Boundary unique continuation of Dini domains, Zihui Zhao
Organized by Oliver Dragicˇevic´, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Microlocal analysis of singular measures, Valeria Banica
• Pointwise convergence for the Schrödinger equation with orthonormal initial data,
Neal Bez
• p-ellipticity, generalized convexity and applications, Andrea Carbonaro
• Weak L1 inequalities for noncommutative singular integrals, Jose Manuel Conde Alonso
• Sobolev-Lorentz capacity and its regularity in the Euclidean setting, Serban Costea
• An optimal multiplier theorem for Grushin operators in the plane, Gian Maria Dall’Ara
• Multilinear singular and oscillatory integrals and applications, Polona Durcik
• A new proof of the weak (1, 1) inequality for the dyadic square function, Irina Holmes
• Tales on two commuting transformations or flows, Vjekoslav Kovacˇ
• Optimal Hardy weights on the Euclidean lattice, Marius Lemm
• Spectral analysis of a confinement model in relativistic quantum mechanics, Albert Mas
• Fractional Integrals with Measure in Grand Lebesgue and Morrey spaces,
Alexander Meskhi
• Pointwise ergodic theorems for bilinear polynomial averages, Mariusz Mirek
• Inequalities for noncommutative martingales with applications to quantum harmonic
analysis, Adam Osekowski
• Fractional Degenerate Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities, Carlos Perez Moreno
• Regularity of solutions of complex coefficient elliptic systems: the p-ellipticity condition,
Jill Pipher
• Lp estimates for wave equations with specific Lipschitz coefficients, Pierre Portal
• Improved bounds for the Kakeya maximal conjecture using semialgebraic geometry,
Keith Rogers
• Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality for p = 1, Dmitriy Stolyarov
• On a control of the maximal truncated Riesz transform by the Riesz transform;
dimension-free estimates, Błaz˙ej Wróbel
• Multiplicative inequalities on BMO, Pavel Zatitskii
• Boundary unique continuation of Dini domains, Zihui Zhao