Page 488 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 488

An optimal multiplier theorem for Grushin operators in the plane

Gian Maria Dall’Ara,
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "F. Severi", Italy
Coauthor: Alessio Martini

Let L = −∂x2 − V (x)∂y2 be the Grushin operator on R2 with coefficient V : R → [0, ∞).
Under the sole assumptions that V (−x) V (x) xV (x) and x2|V (x)| V (x), we prove
a spectral multiplier theorem of Mihlin–Hörmander type for L, whose smoothness requirement
is optimal and independent of V . The proof hinges on the spectral analysis of one-dimensional
Schödinger operators, including universal estimates of eigenvalue gaps and matrix coefficients
of the potential.

Multilinear singular and oscillatory integrals and applications

Polona Durcik,
Chapman University, United States

Coauthors: Michael Christ, Joris Roos, Vjekoslav Kovacˇ

We give an overview of some recent results in the area of multilinear singular and oscillatory
integrals. We discuss their connection with certain questions about point configurations in sub-
sets of the Euclidean space and convergence of some ergodic averages. The talk is based on
joint works with Michael Christ, Vjekoslav Kovacˇ, and Joris Roos.

A new proof of the weak (1, 1) inequality for the dyadic square function

Irina Holmes,
Texas A&M University, United States

This project (joint with Paata Ivanisvili and Sasha Volberg) is concerned with finding the
(strange) sharp constant in the weak (1, 1) inequality for the dyadic square function, using the
Bellman function method. This constant was conjectured by Bollobas in the 1980’s and proved
first by Osekowski using Brownian motion methods. The interesting aspect of our new proof is
that it required the invention of a new way to work with Bellman functions – a way which we
hope can be implemented in other problems.

Tales on two commuting transformations or flows

Vjekoslav Kovacˇ,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Croatia

We will give an overview of conjectures, results, and techniques related to long-term dynamics
of two commuting measure-preserving actions of Z or R on a probability space. All problems
will be approached via the Calderón transference principle, reducing the questions on conver-
gence of various ergodic averages to boundedness of integral operators on the Euclidean space.
This scheme might be an overkill when merely establishing convergence, but it is usually very

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