Page 497 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 497

Weak solutions to the stochastic thin-film equation with nonlinear noise in
divergence form

Manuel Gnann,
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Coauthors: Konstantinos Dareiotis, Benjamin Gess, Günther Grün

We investigate a degenerate-parabolic fourth-order stochastic partial differential equation mod-
elling the spreading of thin liquid droplets under the influence of thermal noise. Using a com-
bination of entropy and energy estimates, we are able to control the formation of shocks caused
by the nonlinear noise in divergence form. In conjunction with a tailor-made approximation
and regularization of the equation, we are thus able to prove existence of weak (martingale)
solutions through a sequence of compactness arguments.

Gradient flow structure of a sixth order parabolic equation

Daniel Matthes,
Technische Universität München, Germany

The second order linear heat equation and the fourth order nonlinear DLSS equation are gradient
flows in the L2-Wasserstein metric, for the entropy H(ρ) = ρ log ρ and the Fisher information
F (ρ) = ρ|∇ log ρ|2, respectively. Whereas H is geodesically convex, the functional F is very
non-convex, but the DLSS equation shares the self-similar asymptotics of the heat equation,
thanks to the intimate relation between H and F . This talk is about a sixth order nonlinear
PDE that is a gradient flow for the second-order functional E(ρ) = ρ ∇2 log ρ 2. We prove
existence of weak solutions, and then study their self-similar asymptotics using a structural
relation connecting E to both H and F .

High order PDEs arising in immiscible multilayer flows

Demetrios Papageorgiou,
Imperial College London, United Kingdom

When two or more immiscible viscous fluids are set into motion by a driving pressure gradient,
for instance, the underlying shear can induce instabilities and interfacial waves. The problem is
a moving boundary one and is coupled to the bulk flow (typically the Navier-Stokes equations)
via nonlinear interfacial boundary conditions that are statements of velocity and stresses con-
tinuity. The problems are high order due to the presence of surface tension and other physical
effects like electric or magnetic fields. This is a rich and complex problem and this presentation
will attempt to (i) provide the essentials of the mathematical modelling, (ii) describe asymp-
totic analysis techniques that produce nonlinear evolution PDEs, (iii) present results of analysis
and computations of the resulting PDEs including certain local and global existence results and
computer-assisted proofs, (iv) provide an outlook of open problems in the area. Throughout the
presentation computations will be used to motivate analysis and vice versa.

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