Page 493 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 493
On a control of the maximal truncated Riesz transform by the Riesz
transform; dimension-free estimates
Błaz˙ej Wróbel,
University of Wrocław, Poland
W prove a dimension-free estimate for the L2(Rd) norm of the maximal truncated Riesz trans-
form in terms of the L2(Rd) norm of the Riesz transform. Consequently, the vector of maximal
truncated Riesz transforms has a dimension-free estimate on L2(Rd). We also show that the
maximal function of the vector of truncated Riesz transforms has a dimension-free estimate on
all Lp(Rd) spaces, 1 < p < ∞. The talk is based on joint work with Maciej Kucharski.
Multiplicative inequalities on BMO
Pavel Zatitskii,
St. Petersburg University (SPbU), Russian Federation
We will talk about the so-called multiplicative inequality for BMO functions:
ϕ r ≤ Cp,r ϕ p ϕ r−p O ,
Lr Lp BM
where 1 < p < r < ∞. We will discuss how to find sharp constants in this inequality for the
case of quadratic norm on BMO space based on a segment, circle or a real line. Talking about
cases of segment and circle we assume the average of ϕ to be equal to zero. Also, we prove this
inequality with dimension-free constant for the Garsia-type norm on BMO. The talk is based
on joint work with D. Stolyarov, V. Vasyunin and I. Zlotnikov.
Boundary unique continuation of Dini domains
Zihui Zhao,
University of Chicago, United States
Coauthor: Carlos Kenig
Let u be a harmonic function in Ω ⊂ Rd. It is known that in the interior, the singular set
S(u) = {u = |∇u| = 0} is (d − 2)-dimensional, and moreover S(u) is (d − 2)-rectifiable and
its Minkowski content is bounded (depending on the frequency of u). We prove the analogue
near the boundary for C1-Dini domains: If the harmonic function u vanishes on an open subset
E of the boundary, then near E the singular set S(u) ∩ Ω is (d − 2)-rectifiable and has bounded
Minkowski content. Dini domain is the optimal domain for which ∇u is continuous towards
the boundary, and in particular every C1,α domain is Dini. The main difficulty is the lack of
monotonicity formula near the boundary of a Dini domain. This is joint work with Carlos
On a control of the maximal truncated Riesz transform by the Riesz
transform; dimension-free estimates
Błaz˙ej Wróbel,
University of Wrocław, Poland
W prove a dimension-free estimate for the L2(Rd) norm of the maximal truncated Riesz trans-
form in terms of the L2(Rd) norm of the Riesz transform. Consequently, the vector of maximal
truncated Riesz transforms has a dimension-free estimate on L2(Rd). We also show that the
maximal function of the vector of truncated Riesz transforms has a dimension-free estimate on
all Lp(Rd) spaces, 1 < p < ∞. The talk is based on joint work with Maciej Kucharski.
Multiplicative inequalities on BMO
Pavel Zatitskii,
St. Petersburg University (SPbU), Russian Federation
We will talk about the so-called multiplicative inequality for BMO functions:
ϕ r ≤ Cp,r ϕ p ϕ r−p O ,
Lr Lp BM
where 1 < p < r < ∞. We will discuss how to find sharp constants in this inequality for the
case of quadratic norm on BMO space based on a segment, circle or a real line. Talking about
cases of segment and circle we assume the average of ϕ to be equal to zero. Also, we prove this
inequality with dimension-free constant for the Garsia-type norm on BMO. The talk is based
on joint work with D. Stolyarov, V. Vasyunin and I. Zlotnikov.
Boundary unique continuation of Dini domains
Zihui Zhao,
University of Chicago, United States
Coauthor: Carlos Kenig
Let u be a harmonic function in Ω ⊂ Rd. It is known that in the interior, the singular set
S(u) = {u = |∇u| = 0} is (d − 2)-dimensional, and moreover S(u) is (d − 2)-rectifiable and
its Minkowski content is bounded (depending on the frequency of u). We prove the analogue
near the boundary for C1-Dini domains: If the harmonic function u vanishes on an open subset
E of the boundary, then near E the singular set S(u) ∩ Ω is (d − 2)-rectifiable and has bounded
Minkowski content. Dini domain is the optimal domain for which ∇u is continuous towards
the boundary, and in particular every C1,α domain is Dini. The main difficulty is the lack of
monotonicity formula near the boundary of a Dini domain. This is joint work with Carlos