Page 109 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 109
tudy on the experiences of hygiene requirements among older psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
persons during the COVID-19 epidemic
Tjaša Kamnik, Mojca Jevšnik
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction. The COVID – 19 epidemic has brought many challenges and chang-
es into our lives. It has significantly changed our lifestyles, which is why many
people can see it as a challenge to their mental and physical health. In our re-
search, we were investigating the experiences of hygiene requirements among
older persons during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Methods. The study was based on a quantitative methodology. A questionnaire
was used to carry out a survey. It contained socio – demographic data, data
on behavior in trade during COVID-19 epidemic, data on food handling dur-
ing COVID–19 epidemic, data on hygiene during COVID–19 epidemic, and da-
ta about overcoming disease COVID–19. We invited 80 older persons aged 65
or above.
Results. Of all the invited older persons, 6 did not respond to the survey. There
were 74 respondents, of which we excluded 16 surveys that were not fully com-
pleted. There were 58 respondents included in the study, of which 19 (32.8 %)
men and 39 (67.2 %) women. The results showed that behaviour in store dur-
ing COVID–19 epidemic has changed for 91 % older persons. Respondents ob-
served changes in wearing masks, keeping social distancing, hand disinfection,
and infrequent visits to stores. Most respondents (78 %) go to the grocery
store less often than before the COVID-19 epidemic, due to risk of infection.
In stores, 98 % respondents touch only those foods that they intend to buy, as
they are afraid of infection and virus transmission. One-third of respondents
do not carry a shopping bag into the kitchen and more than one-third (32 %) of
all respondents disinfect it, because in this way, they believe that they protect
themselves from COVID-19 infection. We have also found that hand hygiene
was improved. Due to the fear of infection, 86 % of respondents wash and dis-
infect their hands more frequently. Almost all respondents (97 %) bought hand
sanitiser during the epidemic. Of all respondents, 17 people overcame COV-
ID-19 infection. We were not able to detect a connection between more se-
vere cases of the disease and changed attitudes towards hygiene measures.
Discussion and conclusions. The results have shown that older persons are afraid
of COVID-19 infection. The fear has an impact on food handling in stores as
well as on food preparation at home. Fear of COVID-19 infection is also re-
flected in improved hand hygiene. People need clear information and direc-
tions regarding the handling of food during epidemic, and above all, a way of
communication that empowers and reassures people.
Keywords: health, elderly, hygiene requirements, COVID-19 epidemic

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