Page 141 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 141
roaches to reduce loneliness and strengthen mental health psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
of the elderly
Nuša Zadravec Šedivy
University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information
Technologies, Koper. Slovenia
Introduction. The elderly represent a population with an increased risk for sui-
cide. Social isolation and loneliness are among the most important psychologi-
cal risk factors for suicide among the elderly. Loneliness is a major public health
problem as it predicts the low quality of life of the older population, and it is al-
so recognized as a predictor of mortality in the elderly. It is therefore a com-
plex phenomenon that highlights the need to develop effective approaches and
interventions to reduce loneliness in the elderly. The purpose of this paper is
to present research in which we examine different approaches for reducing so-
cial isolation and loneliness and identify the most effective ways with which pre-
ventive action could be taken to reduce mental health problems, mental illness,
and suicidal behaviour through the reduction of loneliness.
Methods. The study included the elderly over the age of 65, which can be di-
vided into several subgroups according to age and living arrangements. The el-
derly participate in two research parts. The quantitative part represents the
completion of a questionnaire covering questions about the demographic da-
ta of the participants; scales that measure the mental health of participants,
assess the risk of suicide and loneliness of the elderly; and questions about
the involvement of participants in various activities and their assessment of
the effectiveness of such activities in reducing loneliness and improving mental
health. The qualitative part of the research includes focus groups on the topic
of approaches to reduce loneliness, as well as the needs and ideas for improv-
ing the effectiveness of such approaches.
Results. In the preliminary results of our study, group interventions were shown
to be most effective, with an emphasis on education, training, and psychologi-
cal support for individuals, which is also in line with some other research con-
firming the highest effectiveness of educational interventions. Based on the in-
formation gathered in our research and the results of other studies, we will in
the next phase design interventions to reduce the feeling of loneliness of the
elderly, conduct the pilot implementation and evaluate the effects of the inter-
Discussion and conclusions. The proposed research focuses on an extremely vul-
nerable group, in which the suicide rate is consistently higher than in other age
groups. In terms of an ageing population, these issues are becoming very rele-
vant. However, preventive strategies specifically targeting suicide prevention,
strengthening mental health and reducing loneliness among the elderly, are
poorly researched, especially given the cultural context, which can be crucial in
designing effective preventive interventions. Our research will advance the ex-
isting knowledge regarding suicide prevention in a vulnerable group of the el-
derly, which we will directly transfer into practice by implementing interven-
tions for the elderly.
Keywords: loneliness, mental health, elderly

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