Page 137 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 137
onavirus & hyperbaric oxygen therapy - proven effectiveness psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
of HBOT in treating COVID-19
Vladan Stanojković
General Hospital Izola, Izola, Slovenia
Introduction and purpose. The administration of pure oxygen at higher than at-
mospheric pressure (hyperbaric oxygen) had been found useful as a primary
method of treatment or as adjunctive therapy in a variety of disorders. Hyper-
baric oxygen increases the oxygen available to hypoxic or anoxic tissues; in the
case of anaerobic infections, it provides an environment in which the organisms
cannot survive. The treatment should be started in the acute stage of the disor-
ders. The use of HBOT for the treatment of COVID-19 is supported by various
clinical trials and recognized by the World Health Organization as a non-drug
treatment for COVID-19. Many doctors who are struggling with the decision of
placing a patient on a ventilator aren’t even aware of the HBOT option.
Content presentation. SARS-COVID 2 is not ‘pneumonia’ nor ARDS. COVID-19
causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia by binding to the heme groups in
the red blood cells. People are desaturating due to failure of the blood to car-
ry oxygen. Treatment of viral pneumonia is in the first place decisive reoxygen-
ation with the use of hyperbaric oxygenation at medium and low partial pres-
sures depending on the severity of the disease (1.2-1.5 bar), but long lasting up
to 120 minutes and repeated treatment two to three times a day. The HBOT
is the therapy of choice, because the general pressure in the lungs is equal to
the ambient pressure and there is no mechanical damage to the lungs as with a
respirator. Another problem with SARS-COVID 2 virus infection is a compo-
nent of the virus with gene particles that primarily attack pneumocyte type II,
leading to the destruction of erythrocytes and the release of large amounts of
iron into both plasma and tissues. The decrease in hemoglobin and the number
of erythrocytes in the systemic circulation drastically deepens the already ex-
isting hypoxia, which endangers the function of organs particularly sensitive to
hypoxia (brain, kidneys, heart). The problem gets complicated in patients who
already have chronic hypoxia. Therapeutically speaking, reoxygenation is still
crucial and preferable hyperbaric oxygenation. The advantage of giving eryth-
ropoietin is that it increases the production of erythrocytes and the amount of
oxygen. A patient must be managed on maximum oxygen flow through a hy-
perbaric chamber on 100 % oxygen at 1.2 to 1.5 ATA pressure, for 90-120 min-
utes twice or three times per day for minimum five days. Hemoglobin onsumes
the excess iron from the circulation caused by the breakdown of erythrocytes
and thus reduces the toxic effect of iron.
Conclusion. Based on how HBOT works, it is highly probable that HBOT could
help you if dosed properly.
Keywords: HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy), COVID-19, health of the elderly

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