Page 85 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 85
erestimated malnutrition phenomenon among elderly prehrana in zdravje starejših odraslih | nutrition and health of the elderly
Marija Zrim
Splošna bolnišnica Murska Sobota, Murska Sobota, Slovenija
Introduction. Aging phenomenon will reach statistical peak in coming decades
and will cause a growing need for additional development in the area of influ-
ential factors, mainly methabolic disorders, of which among erderly popula-
tion the most common is malnutrition. The latter already represents big finan-
cial burden as well as significantly reduces the quality of elderly population’s life.
Malnutrition is not treated with proper attention, despite the fact that mon-
itoring of nutritional status should become a priority task. For this task exist
developed validated screening tests but their use in slovenian territory is rath-
er weak.
Methods. As a research tool the screened and standardized questionnaire in
the form of Mini Nutrition Assessment has been used for Identification of Mal-
nutrition among elderly Population. We have performed nonsporadic sampling
in hospital environment among persons older than 60 years over a period of
one month in 2020. Collected data has benn processed with IBM SPSS soft-
ware tool.
Results. More than half of elderly population is struggling with malnutrition; that
the Body mass index should be compared with the body composition to cal-
culate nutrition in the elderly. Immobile persons represent high risk population
group, where active interventions are needed; Elderly people, which are de-
pendent on the help of third person, are less hydrated. We have confirmed fol-
lowing factors to be affecting malnutrition: male gender, stress, neuropsycho-
logical problems, reduced food intake and stress ulcer. There were 40 seniors
housed in a nursing home. The age of the respondents ranged from 63 to 94
.The median age is higher in females The results of the in-depth level of nutri-
tion of the surveyed elderly are worrying, as malnutrition is present in more
than half (n = 21, 52.5%) of respondents and risky in almost a quarter (n = 9,
22.5%) of respondents. only a quarter (n = 10, 25%) of all respondents were
normally fed.
Discussion and conclusion. With appropriate nutrition among elderly popula-
tion, which is different from nutrition of other population groups, we can ena-
ble optimizing health as well as maintain functional capacity. In the field of met-
abolic disorders and suitable nutrition among elderly population, there is a low
awareness among laymen. That is why early intensive prevention of malnutri-
tion manifestation is needed.
Keywords: malnutrition, elderly, metabolic disorders, mini nutritional

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