Page 89 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 89
ited lecture psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
In-group social learning method and its use for healthy and quality
Ana Ramovš, Jože Ramovš
Anton Trstenjak Institute of Gerontology and Intergenerational Relations, Ljubljana,
Introduction and purpose. While talking about health prevention and promotion,
we face an ongoing discussion on protective factors. With protective factors
we mostly mean the healthy habits. Nowadays, we understand well the impor-
tance of regular exercise, healthy diet, psychological wellbeing and good inter-
personal relations. But we are less successful in the implementation of these
habits into the everyday practice. In making a lasting lifestyle and interperson-
al relations changes, school-like lectures are ineffective. On the other hand, in-
group social learning method has a potential to bridge this gap between the
theory and practice.
Content presentation. The method of in-group social learning was developed by
Jože Ramovš and his team at Anton Trstenjak Institute of Gerontology and In-
tergenerational Relations. Its purpose is holistic, physical, psychological and so-
cial health prevention in old age. The same method was used and developed
for informal carers training. The method is based on gerontological knowledge
on aging, anthropological knowledge on intergenerational relations, psycholog-
ical knowledge on importance of experience sharing and neurological knowl-
edge on reinforcement of learning process. In the field of holistic health preven-
tion in old age we use the method in multiplier programs for quality ageing. The
programs are carried out in groups of around 10 older persons among which
there are two volunteers – multipliers, who have been educated in the group
formation, leadership and have knowledge on how to implement a specific pro-
gram. During the last 20 years, we developed 15 such programs, which have
been carried out across Slovenia and Croatia. To explain some: The purpose
of Fall prevention program is physical health prevention, promotion of regular
exercise and prevention of injuries due to falls in old age. The program Ageing
without addictions is holistic preventive program in the field of addictions. The
problem of addictions is getting more and more prevalent among older peo-
ple across developed countries and covid-19 pandemic further worsened the
condition. We were encouraged to develop the program Patriotism by retired
members of Slovenian army. The core of the program is healthy rootedness
in our human essence, family, friends, working and other groups and rooted-
ness in local, national and other communities. The last program we developed,
called Connected from close and afar, was an answer to changed conditions
during covid-19 outbreak. Since due to the pandemic older people could not
meet in groups, we adapted the methodology for them to connect from afar.
At the same time, we provided them with topics for strengthening of the psy-
chological health.
Conclusions. Experience and evaluation research show that in-group social
learning method is effective method for connecting people, tracking loneliness,
transfer of knowledge from theory into everyday life and health prevention and
promotion by introduction of healthy habits.
Keywords: in-group social learning, prevention, habits, healthy lifestyle, quality

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