Page 152 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 152
Author, Typology Research Aim Material, Main
Year methodology and objectives Sample findings
and data meth-
od technology / The use of
(ICT) in the
Ramovš, 2019 Editorial Assessment of / field of long-
information term care, in
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 150 / communica- particular sup-
tion technology ply robotics,
(ICT) use raises many se-
rious concerns;
Toth, 2018 Review article Literature Assessment of the main is that
review long term care the supply ser-
in Slovenia vice of the robot
is imperson-
al. The con-
cerns and fears
are real. ICT is
not an appro-
priate substi-
tute for human
beings because
it embodies in-
ter-human co-
existence and
weakens in hu-
mans the social
immune im-
pulse of soli-
In Slovenia, the
health services
and social-ac-
tivity, and the
concept of
long-term care
are mixed, and
are not clearly
defined by law
and practice;
There are many
activities and
various con-
tractors, deal-
ing elements of
long-term care.
The long-term
care field is still
not able to cov-
er the needs.
Existing servic-
es and benefits
are not linked
into a single
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