Page 154 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 154
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 152 will be improved. The introduction of new staff will also allow for the realloca-
tion of certain tasks and responsibilities ( The cur-
rent Government wants to re-establish the Institute for gerontology and geri-
atric and adopted a document “Strategy care for the older by 2010 - solidarity,
harmony and quality aging”. The resulting gap is partially filled by the work of
Institute Anton Trstenjak (
na-starost/stevilka.html). In Slovenia, virtually we do not have gerontologic
hospital or institute, nor specialization on this field. Instead we have speciali-
zation for family doctors. In Slovenia after hospital discharge, many old people
continue their treatment in the hospital with non-acute department – depart-
ment of prolongation hospitalization and nursing department. The institution-
al care has the longest tradition in Slovenia and is the most spread in all Slo-
venian regions. Some institutionalized professional settings are performing
activities in line of standards and procedures ISO 9001:2008 and E-Qualin
(Prevolnik-Rupel, 2010).

Old age is marked with multimorbidity and greater frequency of injuries.
Most common injuries are shaft fractures, osteoporotic vertebra fractures and
hip fractures. Those decrease functional abilities and daily living quality. The
current treatment for injuries include surgery, early medical rehabilitation and
home care. Degenerative diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, cerebrovascular
diseases (CVD), arteriosclerosis, and osteoporosis, require a special form of re-
habilitation, from early medical rehabilitation, immediately after the cerebro-
vascular insult, throughout to verticalization, spa treatment and home care.
Oncological patients and palliative care for older people require special atten-
tion in the rehabilitation program. Artists are physiotherapists, occupational
therapist and community nurses (Turk, 2010).

In the policy area on national level a law regarding long-term care are
now in preparation stages for legislation (Prevolnik-Rupel, 2010).

According to the Social Security Act (UL 3/07) these sources are central
budget, municipal budget, direct payments and other sources like voluntary
contributions, donations and sponsorship money (Prevolnik-Rupel, 2010). A
detailed estimation of expenditure for prevention and rehabilitation in LTC
cannot be performed at the moment.

In Slovenia, health preventive measures in home environment are carried out
by community nurses and GP/family doctors. GP/family doctors carry out the
primary and secondary prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. In
2007, 743 social workers carried out social welfare measures. Rehabilitation ser-
vices at home are almost not organized.

The rate of hospital treatment of older people in Slovenia is still growing.
Non-acute hospitals have been operating for several years. Hospitals with de-
partments of prolonged hospital treatment and nursing departments are be-
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