Page 172 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 172
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 170 Discussion
We find that majority of the respondents are well aware about their disease
and are motivated to participate in the treatment in which they are actively in-
volved. The educational work of the medical staff and their attitude towards pa-
tient education also plays an important role. The majority of participants rate
this as good, they are satisfied with the work of the medical staff. However,
there are obstacles in absorbing information, as the majority of respondents do
not have a university degree, which leads to difficulties in understanding new
information. Most of the respondents are over 61 years old, which is an addi-
tional barrier to receiving information. Problems can arise when medical pro-
fessionals use terminology that is not understandable to most patients.

According to Starc (2003), the purpose of health education for diabetics
is to change behavior, which would enable the patient to have the best possi-
ble quality of life despite diabetes. Teaching a patient about his or her illness is
crucial to the course of a chronic illness and is an important part of treatment.
The role of providers of health education content is counseling, learning, prac-
tical demonstration, testing of knowledge and motivating patients and relatives
to achieve the best self-management of the disease (Curhalek, 2013). In mod-
ern times, patients are increasingly educated and informed due to the availa-
bility of information and also the desire for permanent education. Therefore,
health education is becoming increasingly complex and demanding, which
means that health professionals must also be properly educated and must up-
grade their knowledge (Sajko and Ertl, 2009). Gjuran (2011) states that motiva-
tion is a key psychological function. The learning itself must be adapted to the
patient and also to the health professional, his abilities and environment, and
above all it is important that it is easy for the patient (Žerdoner, 2016). Today‘s
approach in health education focuses on the patient, in his active role, that they
know how to take care of their own health and prevention (Koprivnikar, 2008).
A diagnosis of diabetes can have very negative psychological consequences for
the patient and his relatives, so the proper health education is of utmost impor-
tance. When a patient gains care for his illness, his self-confidence and life op-
timism also grow (Vrtovec, 1999).

Diabetes is a major health problem in the developed world. The number of
newly diagnosed patients with diabetes is increasing rapidly, so it is extreme-
ly important to raise public awareness about the risk factors that can lead to
the onset of diabetes and the appropriate prevention. For patients with diabe-
tes who already have the disease, it is important to provide consistent tertiary
health education so that patients know how to manage their own disease, live
with their disease, and prevent it from getting worse. It is very important that
patients know how to prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic complica-
tions of diabetes.
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