Page 177 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 177

Quality of life of the elderly
in intergenerational cooperation

and learning programs

Valerija Rotar1, Tamara Poklar Vatovec2

1 Community Health Centre Ormož, Ormož, Slovenia
2University of Primorska Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia;

Introduction: Demographic change and the weight of an aging society
require strategies and long-term solutions to ensure a quality life for the
older generations and to maintain intergenerational solidarity at the
level of sustainability of society as a whole. Healthy and active aging
is not only an indicator of health status, but also means the inclusion
of the elderly in social processes in the local and wider community,
where they have opportunities and resources to develop new knowledge,
skills and enrich their lives. Methods: The survey was conducted from
March to April 2021, which included 60 self-employed elderly people
from eastern Slovenia. A questionnaire on the frequency of food and
beverage consumption was used to assess their eating habits and others
related to their quality of life. Results: Most older people buy food
and prepare meals regularly. Less than a quarter of the elderly gained
weight during the pandemic. They often ate fried foods and rarely ate
fish, porridge, and cereals. Most are concerned about the situation;
half have been vaccinated and a fifth have survived the Covid-19 virus
disease. Discussion and conclusions: The profession of dietitian is
underrepresented in work processes, and the inclusion of dietitian in
various programs, workshops and promotions is a great opportunity to
participate and learn in the local and wider community. Through the
transfer of professional knowledge and skills, dietitians can influence
management of inappropriate eating habits that lead to malnutrition,
fragility and other metabolic deficiencies, and thus significantly
affect the quality of life of older people. In the process of learning and
socializing, knowledge and interpersonal relationships deepen, which
is of great importance for the elderly in making their lives meaningful.
A dietitian can be involved as a professional associate at the primary
level in the health system and in programs and projects aimed at raising
awareness of importance of healthy eating.
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