Page 206 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 206
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 204 iron, zinc) (NIJZ, 2016). With the aggravation of COPD, body weight decreas-
es rapidly, so good nutrition and attention to a regular and proper diet are very
important. Outpatient screening at the primary health care level can contrib-
ute significantly to the detection of patients with COPD (Yawn et al., 2014), so
we believe it is useful to assess the nutritional status at the primary health care
level with the questionnaire »The Mini Nutritional Assessment« (MNA) with
anthropometric measurements and bioimpedance measurements. According
to Širca Čampa (2016), the basic nutritional problem is not only energy malnu-
trition, but also protein malnutrition, which leads to inadequate nutrient ratios
(excessive carbohydrate content in the diet), which is why nutritional support
for patients with COPD is an important part of a holistic therapeutic approach.
Symptoms of the disease, improving quality of life and slowing the progression
of the disease.

This study is important because it gives us insight into the non-pharma-
cological treatment of COPD patients in the area of nutrition at the primary
level of health care. COPD is a serious health problem and is one of the major
causes of morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries,
so proper treatment of COPD patients is essential. It is advisable to pay atten-
tion to proper nutrition as chronic lung patients tend to lose weight which is
bad. The life of COPD patients with below average weight is shorter than that
of normal weight patients because the muscles that are important for breathing
function worse. Our study has also shown that the participants in the study are
not able to acquire the necessary knowledge in organized trainings (continu-
ously), and the question remains why the staff does not receive more training
on the importance of proper nutrition of patients with COPD.

At the primary level of health care, more intensive counseling on appropriate
nutrition is needed in all COPD patients, especially the elderly. This obviously
requires the employment of health professionals with appropriate skills and suf-
ficient up-to-date knowledge in this area, as COPD patients often do not meet
health professionals until the primary care level and it is all the more impor-
tant that they already receive appropriate health education. work in the area of
nutrition in COPD which can make a significant contribution to their quali-
ty of life.

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Magistrsko delo. Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede.
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