Page 211 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 211
In Slovene the keywords „zdravje“, „informacijsko komunikacijska teh-
nologija“ and „zdravje“ with Boolean operators „IN“ and „OR“ were used for
the search. The keywords used in English were “elderly”, “information commu-
nication technology” and “health” with Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”.

The search was limited to a ten-year period of published units from 2011
to 2021. We have also used the language criterion, as only Slovenian and Eng-
lish scientific and professional articles with accessible full text were included.

The inclusion criterion was content relevance. We have reviewed 19 arti-
cles and we have ranked 10 articles after the content review. Subsequently, we
excluded those articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria.

Results elderly’s attitude towards information communication technology 209
Taking into account the inclusion criteria, five articles were included in the sys-
tematic literature review (Table 1). The results showed that the use of ICT ben-
efits the elderly, improves and facilitates daily activities.

When problems arise with the use of ICT, help should be easily accessible
to older people, both during training and during practical use. Lack of priva-
cy, security and stigma are some of the barriers that older people face in using
ICT (Vassli and Farshchian, 2017). There are six main interrelated factors relat-
ed to the frequency of technology use, namely emotional attachment, compat-
ibility of needs, signs of use, ability to use, resource input, and support (Peek
et al., 2019). To promote the use of ICT in the elderly, broader contextual issues
need to be considered, not only the design of devices but also their socio-eco-
logical context (Abdelrahman et al., 2021).

Table 1: Overview of analyzed articles

Author, The purpose Methodology Results
year of the research
Regarding the frequency of
Peek et al., 2019 To better understand the Longitudinal qualitative ICT use, there are 6 main in-
changes and frequency Interview terrelated factors:
Ramsden Marston of the use of ICT tech- - emotional attachment
et al., 2019  nology in independent - compatibility of needs
seniors. - signs for use
- ability to use
To examine the experi- Online survey Focus - input of resources
ences of older people in group - support
the field of ICT and the They confirmed two inter-
impact on their lives. twining themes: incentives
and barriers to use. They rec-
ommend promoting the use
of ICT according to the skills
of the elderly and opportu-
nities to improve health and
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