Page 27 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 27

Investigations of adult neuroplasticity
as an effect of long-term physical activity

in old age

Mandy Bade1, Anita Hökelmann1, Jörn Kaufmann1, Volkmar Leßmann1,
Patrick Müller2, Kathrin Rehfeld1, Notger Müller2

1 Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
2 German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany;;;;;;

Introduction: The growing number of elderly people in the population
is accompanied by an increased prevalence of chronic diseases, e.g.
dementia, which will confront the healthcare system with major
challenges in the future. Therefore, appropriate interventions are needed
to support healthy aging combined with a high quality of life. The
potential of the adult organism for neuronal plasticity, induced by long-
term physical activity, was examined in an interdisciplinary project on
aging research from neuroscientific, physiological, neuropsychological
and sports science perspectives. Methods: In a longitudinal study with
20 healthy elderly people (M=72.65, SD=4.31 years) the influence of
endurance and strength training as well as dance training on brain
structure, BDNF, memory, balance ability and endurance performance
was investigated. Measurements were performed before the start of
the training phase, after 6 months, 18 months and 5 years. Structural
MRI scans (FSL segmentation), blood analyses, the Verbal Learning
and Memory Test (VLMT), Limits of Stability Test (LoS) and Physical
Working Capacity Test 130 (PWC 130) were conducted. Results: In both
groups, we observed an increased volume in the left amygdala (F(3,36)
= 3.760, p = .019, f = .56), a maintenance of BDNF concentration in
blood plasma, an improvement in balance ability according to LoS in
terms of reaction time (F(3,42) = 6.379, p = .001, f = . 67), movement
velocity (F(3,42) = 4.925, p = .005, f = .59), endpoint (F(1.83, 25.58) = 9.221,
p = .001, f = .81), maximum dislocation (F(3,42) = 12. 476, p < .001, f =
.94) and direction control (F(3,42) = 6.542, p = .001, f = .68) as well as
a stabilization of the performance in PWC 130. Memory performance
improved significantly in the dance group with regard to recognition
performance (X²(3, N=8) = 12.197, p = .007). Discussion and conclusions:
The neuroplasticity effect was confirmed as a result of both training
measures based on neurostructural, molecular, cognitive, coordinative
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