Page 32 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 32
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 30 Figure 3: Effect of sportive dance training and fitness training on
maximum deflection of the LoS over the 5-year training intervention

Finally, also with regard to “directional control” in the LoS, it could be
shown that performance significantly increased from the second to the third
measurement time point and significantly decreased again from the third to
the fourth measurement time point (F(3,42) = 6.542, p = .001, partial η² = .32).
Cohen’s effect size f was .68, corresponding to a strong effect. No significant
group differences were present. Lastly, it was shown that absolute performance
in watts of PWC 130 remained stable over the five-year training period in both
the dance group (Chi-Square(3) = 4.846, p = .183, n = 6) and the fitness training
group (Chi-Square(3) = .360, p = .948, n = 8). There were no significant group
differences. In addition, it was observed that relative performance in PWC 130
maintained stability (F(3,36) = 1.189, p = .328, partial η² = .09). There have been
no significant group differences. In both groups, conditional adaptations oc-
curred in terms of stabilization of endurance performance over a 5-year period.

The present article reflects the main results of the longitudinal study. In the
neurostructural and molecular area, a high heterogeneity of the results was ob-
served. In the neuropsychological domain of the longitudinal study, there was
a high homogeneity of results, which was characterized by a largely demon-
strated maintenance of performance and an absence of group differences. An
exception was the improvement of the corrected recognition performance
in the sportive dance group. In the motor area of the longitudinal analysis, a
maintenance of endurance performance and numerous improvements in bal-
ance ability were found.

Positive effects of sportive dance training as well as fitness training on neu-
rostructural and molecular parameters in older adults during the five-year
training intervention were found exclusively in left amygdala volume in both
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